August 19

FS10n – display G/L summary totals


FS10N display G/L totals

This report is used to view the totals of a G/L account or a range of G/L accounts. The totals are shown by month to give you a great overview of how this account has changed over a period of time.

Access this by using the menu path below.

or access through the tcode FS10N

or access through the tcode FS10N

Enter the G/L account , copmany code and fiscal year. Click on the yellow arrows to enter multiple copmany codes and G/L acounts

Enter the G/L account, company code and fiscal year.

Click on the yellow arrows to enter multiple company codes and G/L accounts

Click on execute after entering this info.

Click on execute after entering this info.

This report will show the ballance carryforward, i.e. the balance from the previous year.  The debit and credit postings and the balance.

This report will show the balance carryforward, i.e., the balance from the previous year.

The debit and credit postings and the balance.

Double click on the amount and this will call the G/L line item report FBl3N

Double click on the amount and this will call the G/L line item report FBl3N

Adding multiple accounts and company codes in the report.  Click on the yellow arrows.

Adding multiple accounts and company codes in the report.

Click on the yellow arrows.

A new sceen opens up. Enter the multiple G/L accounts. You can also add a range of accounts and exclude G/Ls and ranges. Click on the other tabs to explore them.

A new screen opens up. Enter the multiple G/L accounts. You can also add a range of accounts and exclude G/Ls and ranges. Click on the other tabs to explore them.

Entering a range

Entering a range

after entering this, click on execute.

after entering this, click on execute.

and you will see the totals

and you will see the totals

This won't show you the details by G/L account. It will show you the totals for all the accounts together.

This won’t show you the details by G/L account. It will show you the totals for all the accounts together.

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