FBl3N is the most important report for G/L. This tcode displays the G/L line items. It will show the G/L line items only for the G/L accounts that have the display line item checkbox flagged.
Run this report by using the menu path below.
or by using the tcode below.
Enter the selection criteria on the screen below.
1–G/L account-Enter the G/L account for which you are fetching the line items
2- Company Code- Enter the company code that you want to run this report for.
3– Open items- Select this radio button if you only want to fetch the open items. This radio button becomes relevant if the open items flag is checked on the G/L master in FS00.
What is an open item? G/Ls that are managed on an open item basis need to be cleared when the offsetting posting happens. It is considered open when the offsetting posting doesn’t post. These G/L accounts balance to 0, so when it doesn’t balance to 0, you know that there is an open item that needs to be cleared.
E.g. when you receive goods, SAP posts to the GR/IR account( goods received/Invoice received account) If the goods are received for $100. The GR/IR account has an open item for $100. This is telling the user that we still need to receive an invoice for $100. When the invoice for $100 is received, this open item will be cleared.
Another example is for cash clearing accounts. When you cut a check to a vendor, it posts to your cash clearing account. E.g., you paid the vendor $500. There is an open item of $500 on this cash clearing account. The vendor has the check but hasn’t deposited it yet. Hence the item is still open.
When the vendor deposits this check, the cash clearing account balances to 0 and it posts to the main cash account. When this entry posts, the open item is cleared.
4- Cleared items- If you select this radio button, it will only show you items that have been cleared, i.e., it will not show items that are currently open.
Under cleared items, there is a field for clearing date. Enter a value in this field to restrict this tcode to a specific clearing date.
5- All items – Â Select this radio button if you want to fetch both open and cleared items.
Note- If you are searching for a document and do not find it, then select the all items radio button and try to enter a wide range for this report.
You can also select the checkboxes for special G/L and the other options next to it to see if the item you posted meets this criterion.
After you enter your selection criteria, hit the execute icon highlighted above and you will see the line items for this G/L account.
If you select the open items radio button, you can see an icon which shows you that the item is open.
Once the items clear, this symbol changes to green.
Note- it won’t show if you are only running the report for open items.
If the G/L account for which you are running the report is not open item managed, then you will see an icon like below.
You can see all the document numbers, postings and other details on the screen, but if you need to add more fields, click on the change layout icon from the toolbar below.
Click on this icon. You should get into the habit of hovering over an icon, and it will give you a short text of what this icon is for.
Once you click on this icon, you see will the table below.
On the left are the fields that are currently showing on your screen and on the right are the available fields.
Select a field from the right and then click on the area where you want to move it to on the left and click on the icon to move it to the left.
Once you are done, click on the copy icon in the screen above.
Let’s explore another icon in the toolbar.
The icon on the left is to total based on a field, and the item on the right is to subtotal.
Remember- you can only subtotal once you have a total.
In order to total or subtotal on a field, first, select it. The color of this icon will change which shows you that this field was selected.
Once the field is selected, click on the total or subtotal icon and you will see the desired result on the screen.
Next- click on the back arrow to go to the main screen.
Click on the icon that has three colors- third from the left.
This is called the dynamic selection icon. This is used to run this report based on more selection fields.
The fields highlighted in green are the ones that you can currently select on.
If you want to add another field to this report, double click on the field you need.
E.g. The Account Group and the trading partner are part of the selection screen, but you also want to select based on the field P&L Statement Acct Type. Double click on this field, so it becomes green.
Once it is green, you will see that it shows up on the right
enter your selection criteria and click on execute.
Check this out to learn more about G/L configurationÂ
Very nice for beginner users. Thank you.
Nice information