Overview- This guide shows how to reopen a closed year in Asset Accounting.
This is usually required in the test system when you are posting to a previous year.
You might get an error AA340, you cannot post to this asset ( Fiscal year already closed)
If you double click on the error, you will see details of the error.
Go to tcode OAAQ to check the closed fiscal year.
This shows that 2018 is closed, so the years before that are closed as well.
You need to change this to a previous year. Since you were posting in 2010/11, the closed fiscal year should read 2009
After making this change, you can make a posting to a prior year.
If there was an issue, you wouldn’t see the next screen like below and you would see an error message.
Another method is to change the legacy transfer date to a prior year.
This should only be done in a test system.
The legacy transfer date is 2014
Changed it to 2010
and saved
The postings will work for a prior year through this method as well.
Note- You cannot change the closed fiscal year to a later year. This needs to be done through AJRW
You will get an error like below when you try to change to a later year. E.g. I tried changing to 2017
and got this error.
Another way to change the closed fiscal year is to use tcode OAAR.
The difference here is that you can have a different year by depreciation area.