Background– You want to know if there were any errors in your previuos depreciation runs or look at the spools to see more details.
When you run depreciation through AFAB, you will see the errors etc., but once you finish the posting or if someone else wants to view the logs, then you would use AFBP.
Access through tcode AFBP or through the menu path
Accounting\Financial Accounting\Fixed Assets\Periodic
Processing\Depreciation Run\Display Log
Enter the following info
1- Enter the Company Code for which you want to check the report. Do a drop down if you don’t know your company code.
Enter a target ledger group if you are only looking at a certain ledger group.
2- Fiscal Year– The fiscal year for which you want to check the postings.
3-Posting period- The posting period for which you want to check the depreciation run.
4-Sequence number in period– This field displays the number of depreciation posting runs that were posted in the chronologically most recent period.
5-Main Asset number- Enter a range of asset numbers or an asset number if you want to restrict the report by asset.
6. Asset Subnumber– enter the subnumber if you want to only view certain asset subnumbers.
Afer all the info is entered, click on execute and you willl a list of all the assets.
you can check the documents that were posted. If you want to drill down to a certain asset, double click on the Ref document.
Choose the document you want to drill down to.
and you can view the document.
You can also view one the depreciation reports to view details about the depreciation posted.
Thank you. very helpful