November 18

GJ12, GJ13 and GJ14 Billing and Invoice extract-SAPSHARKS


GJ12- Invoice extract

Invoice extract is an crucial step in the month process of SAP JVA 

This step extracts all the invoice information of the partners. This step needs to be run after cutback as cutback populated the billing ledger 4B. 

E.g., if the initial cost was a $100 that the operator incurred and 40%, i.e., $40 needs to be billed to the partner. Cutback creates this entry of $40, and the billing extract program will extract this information to the JVBX database

GJ13 extracts all the expenditure information which provides details to the partner on why he is getting billed for $40. 

Finally, this info from JVBX is extracted by the billing program to generate a bill to the partner which tells them how much they are being billed for and provides some details.

Access through the menu path below or with the  tcode GJ12 


Enter the company codes for which you want to run the billing statement for. 
The join venture and partner is usually left blank so that it extracts the info for everything in the company code.

Enter the company codes for which you want to run the billing statement for. 

The joint venture and partner is usually left blank so that it extracts the info for everything in the company code. 


The next screen will tell you if there is any error. You will need to check your master data mapping and your configuration if there are any errors.
Click on Print Spool to view more details if you need more info.

The next screen will tell you if there is any error. You will need to check your master data mapping and your configuration if there are any errors.

Click on Print Spool to view more details if you need more info.


The GJ2B settings for the partner need to be correct when you are running GJ12. The highlighted section below needs to be filled out.

 The GJ2B settings for the partner need to be correct when you are running GJ12. The highlighted section below needs to be filled out.  


If the settings for GJ2B are incorrect, e.g. I left the billing format blank and ran it, I got the error below. 
The error messages will usually tell you how to fix the issue if you double click on them.

If the settings for GJ2B are incorrect, e.g., I left the billing format blank and ran it, I got the error below. 

The error messages will usually tell you how to fix the issue if you double click on them.


Run it initially with test run to see if there are any errors

Run it initially with a test run to see if there are any errors


The output screen will show you the partners or ventures( depends on what level you generate the bill at. It's in the configuration) that you ran this program for.
Anything in green is good. In the screen below, we can see that the paper invoice extract is complete without any errors.

The output screen will show you the partners or ventures( depends on what level you generate the bill at. It’s in the configuration) that you ran this program for.

Anything in green is good. In the screen below, we can see that the paper invoice extract is complete without any errors. 


If you click on the print spool, you will see more details of this output.

If you click on the print spool, you will see more details of this output. 


Once this looks good, uncheck the test run and run it in real run

Once this looks good, uncheck the test run and run it in a real run


The real run will look the same and we can move on to the next step of GJ13.
Please note that GJ12 and GJ13 can be run in parallel. There is no sequence to follow and there is no dependency upon each other.

The real run will look the same, and we can move on to the next step of GJ13.

Please note that GJ12 and GJ13 can be run in parallel. There is no sequence to follow, and there is no dependency upon each other. 

GJ13- Expenditure extract

GJ13 will extract the expenditure details that will eventually end up on the bill. 

Think of this as the why part of the bill. If a partner was billed for 25$, he needs some explanation on what these charges are for. The expenditure extract will provide this information. 

Access through the menu path below or directly through the tcode GJ13.


The screen here is similar to GJ12. Enter your selection criteria. This can be run wide open if you are extracting for all the partners or ventures.

The screen here is similar to GJ12. Enter your selection criteria. This can be run wide open if you are extracting for all the partners or ventures. 



In the output screen, you will see the venture and equity group for which the program fetched information. 
You will also see the ventures and equity groups for which no information was extracted. 
Click on print spool if you want to  view more details of what it extracted.
Once everything looks good, you can remove the test run and run the tcode and this step is done. 
Evaluate your results and if there are no errors, move on to the next step of generating a hard copy bill.

In the output screen, you will see the venture and equity group for which the program fetched information. 

You will also see the ventures and equity groups for which no information was extracted. 

Click on print spool if you want to view more details of what it extracted.

Once everything looks good, you can remove the test run and run the tcode, and this step is done. 

Evaluate your results and if there are no errors, move on to the next step of generating a hard copy bill.


GJ14- Hard copy billing

GJ14 will print out the data we extracted from the previous steps. GJ14 is for hard copy billing, i.e., if you are going to print the bill on a pdf and mail it to the partner.

Access it using the menu path below or directly via tcode GJ14


Enter the company code and the partner of venture for which you want to create a hard copy bill. 
In the printout selection, select the options of Invoice, expenditure detail etc. ( this depends on how you configured this)
Enter the printer where these bills will print out.
There will be tonssss of paper for most companies and ensuring that the right information is sent to the right partner is very important.

Enter the company code and the partner of venture for which you want to create a hard copy bill. 

In the printout selection, select the options of Invoice, expenditure detail etc. ( this depends on how you configured this)

Enter the printer where these bills will print out.

There will be tons of paper for most companies and ensuring that the right information is sent to the right partner is very important.


On the output screen, you should see

On the output screen, you should see “created” in green text. It will show you all the ventures or partners for which a hard copy bill was created. 


Click on print spool and you can see the hard copy bill that will be mailed to the partners.
There is a lot of configuration involved in getting the billing to work properly.

Click on the print spool, and you can see the hard copy bill that will be mailed to the partners.

There is a lot of configuration involved in getting the billing to work properly. 



These are the steps for creating a bill. If your company uses Energylink i.e. it is a portal where JV partners generally upload the billing statements to view online, then you need to run another step to create that extract.

These are the steps for creating a bill. If your company uses Energylink i.e. it is a portal where JV partners generally upload the billing statements to view online; then you need to run another step to create that extract.

The billing process done at the end of the month in JVA. Understand the big picture of JVA by reading this blog post

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