August 19

FCHN-Display check register



Business Scenario– FCHN is used to display the check register. This tcode is used when you want to find out the checks that you have issued or find a particular check number.

This will list all the checks you have issued. There are various fields by which you can fetch the data, e.g. for, a specific house bank, bank account, date range, etc.

We can compare this with our bank statement, and the checks issues should match.

Access through the menu path

Financial Accounting- Accounting- Accounts Payable-Environment- Check information-FCHN-Check register


Or you can directly access via tcode FCHN There are many options by which we can run this report.  Enter the details and click on execute. For E.g. we can run this report by 1-  A certain House Bank  2- A certain bank account number 3-Or by an amount or a range of amount e.g. 500-1500 and it will list all the checks between 500-1500$

Or you can directly access via tcode FCHN

There are many options by which we can run this report.

Enter the details and click on execute.

For, E.g., we can run this report by

1-  A certain House Bank( The creation of a house bank is changing in S/4 HANA. Find out what’s new in S/4 HANA.

2- A certain bank account number

3-Or by an amount or a range of amount, e.g., 500-1500 and it will list all the checks between 500-1500$


Click on execute and you will see the check information

Click on execute, and you will see the check information


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