FB65- vendor credit memo
Business scenario– FB65 is used to create a vendor credit memo.
This is when we owe the vendor money rather than the other way around.
Menu Path-Accounting->Financial Accounting-Accounts Payable-Document Entry- FB65 Credit Memo.
Or directly through the tcode FB65
The tcode below is exactly the same as FB60. The only difference is the Credit Memo/Invoice field.
1-Vendor number – Enter the vendor from who the purchase was made.
2-Invoice Date- The invoice date is the date the purchase was made. E.g., if a purchase was made on 1/1/2017, but the vendor did not send the invoice on 1/10/2017, the invoice date will be 1/1/2017
 3-Posting date- This is the date when the posting hit the financial books. This was the date when we recorded the transaction in SAP. It is possible to purchase something on 1/1/2017, but only record the invoice in SAP on 2/15/2017. In this case, the posting date will be 2/15/2017.
4-Document type – This is usually KR for vendor invoices.
5-Amount– Enter the amount of the purchase
6- Reference number-This is usually the vendor invoice number. When the vendor calls us to inquire about a payment, this is the number he references.
7- Text-Can be used to identify what the purchase was. E.g., markers for all conference rooms.
8-G/L Account– The G/L account is the bucket used to classify these costs. E.g., if we purchased office supplies, then we would use the office supplies G/L account here.
9-Debit or credit– For an invoice, the G/L side will be debit as the vendor is credited.
10-Amount- The amount for this G/L. The amount on the vendor and the G/L should balance to 0.
11- Credit Memo/invoice-This transaction code is basically the difference between this tcode FB65 and Fb60. You will notice that it says credit memo, you can change this to an invoice as well and it becomes FB60.
Click on the transaction field, and you can click on the drop-down, and you can change it to an invoice.
This is showing you what this transaction is going to do whether it will create an invoice or a credit memo.
once you enter all the info, then you can click on save
and you will see a document number at the bottom of the screen.
Click on document-display to view the document you just posted.
View the document
Doc type as “KG” but You have been mentioned “KR” !! may i know why !!