Business process– Fb03 is used to display a document. It is one of the most commonly used transaction codes.
FB03 is used to display finance documents only.
Suggestion– Add this tcode to your favorites.
Menu Path- Accounting-Financial Accounting-General Ledger-Document-Fb03 Document Display.
Or Access it through the transaction code FB03
Enter the following details
1-Document number– This is the document number that you want to change.
2-Company Code 2– The company code to which the document number belongs to.
Note- The same document number can appear in multiple company codes, so make sure that you have the right company code.
3-Fiscal year– Enter the fiscal year that the document belongs to. Note- The same document number can appear in multiple fiscal years, so make sure that you have the right fiscal year.
Hit Enter and you can view your document.
Add totals, subtotals, filters etc. by using the toolbar.
In this example, we can add a total, by selecting the Amount column
Notice that the color of the Amount column changed. After that, just click on the Sum Icon.
How do you find your document number if You don’t know it.
Click on the green arrow back
This will take you back to the initial fb03 screen.
Click on the document list and we can find various ways of finding a document number. This is a very useful way.
Search for your document by entering any criteria to narrow it down.
Here you can enter details that will help you get your document.
E.g. you can click on own documents only to only see your documents. If you created the document today, then enter “today’s date” in the entered on date field. or enter a date range like shown below.
You can restrict it up company code and other criteria.
Double click on the document that you want to view
You can then display the document.
Please save this in your favorites and click around in this transaction to explore the different options.