PRA TCode Finder
Easily find PRA Tcodes in seconds
Transaction Code | Transaction text |
O3UBL01_REPORTS | Balancing User Reports |
O3UBL01_WORKPLACE | Balancing Workplace |
O3UCA_DOIXREF | DOI to MP/WC Cross Reference |
O3UCA_GPSS | Gas Plant Sliding Scale |
O3UCA_MKGRPL | List processing for Marketing Groups |
O3UCA_OSP | Owner Selective Processing Options |
O3UCA_PRL | Percent Return to Producer |
O3UCA_PSP | Plant Selective Processing Options |
O3UCA_TRNCT | MP/WC Transporter Contract XRef |
O3UCA_UPLOAD_ROA | To upload ROA data using spreadsheet |
O3UCI_ARVAR | Receivable and Price Variance |
O3UCI_CDEX | CDEX Workplace |
O3UCI_MASS | Processing Checks in Mass |
O3UCI_PDX | Purchaser to Property/DOI Xref |
O3UCI_PPD | PRA Payment Posting Desktop |
O3UCI_PRDX | CDEX Comapny Product Cross Reference |
O3UCI_REMX | CDEX Remitter Cross Reference |
O3UCI_SUSP | Suspended Line Items messages |
O3UCM_BA | Integrated Business Associate |
O3UCM_CONTRACT | PRA Contract Maintenance |
O3UCM_T8JV | PRA Joint Venture Master Data |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT | Generic Table Maintenance |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_003 | Reclassification of Production Codes |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_004 | Material and Product Code Proc XRef |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_005 | Material Sum - Gas Plant Comp Alloc |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_006 | SPF NGL Component Allocation Basis |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_007 | SPF Wet Gas Equivalent |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_008 | Sliding Scale Methods - Dim / Materl |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_009 | PRA Partner Table from JV |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_010 | Volumetric SKF |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_011 | Setup Code and Generic Values Dated |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_012 | Reg Rpt: MP/State Assigned ID XRef |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_013 | State Agency & PRA Material XRef |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_014 | PRA JVA Companies |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_017 | Roy Rpt: Code Maintenance |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_018 | Parameters for TX Migration |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_019 | Zero Rejects for Wyoming Royalty |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_020 | MMS-2014 Date Effective Edits |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_021 | Agency/PRA Product Code XRef |
O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_023 | Colorodo Form 7 Formation Code |
O3UCP_CO2_RMV0 | CO2 Removal Fee Processing |
O3UCP_MKT_CST0 | Contract Marketing Costs |
O3UCP_TAR_RMB0 | Tax and Royalty Reimbursement |
O3UCW_BANK | Bank Details for Payment Processing |
O3UCW_BA_EXEMPTION | BA exempt from State Withholding |
O3UCW_EXCEPTION | Exception list from Payment run |
O3UCW_PAYMENT_RUN | PRA Payment Processing |
O3UCW_TAX | Owner Taxes Withheld Report |
O3UDP_VWUL | PRA Vendor Where-used List for EOP |
O3UE2_ARESC_AOGC_ADD | Arkansas Escrow AOGC Address |
O3UE2_ARESC_AOGC_RPT | Arkansas Escrow AOGC Annual Report |
O3UE2_ARESC_BANK_ADD | Arkansas Escrow Bank Address |
O3UE2_ARESC_CUST_DTL | Arkansas Escrow Custodian Details |
O3UE2_ARESC_HISTORY | Arkansas Escrow Owner History |
O3UE2_ARESC_HOLD_ADD | Arkansas Escrow Holder Address |
O3UE2_ARESC_SFI | Arkansas Escrow Susp Funds Enquiry |
O3UE2_ESCHEAT_ADDR | Escheat Due Dilgence Address Maint |
O3UE2_ESCHEAT_HOLDER | Escheat Holder Record Maintenance |
O3UE2_ESCH_BA | Escheat BA Info Maintenance |
O3UE2_ESCH_DISP_HIST | Display Owner Escheat History |
O3UE2_ESCH_HST_CLN | Un-Escheat Owner |
O3UE2_ESCROW_HISTORY | Wyoming Escrow Owner History |
O3UE2_PORTAL_004 | Process 2.0 Portal |
O3UE2_SFI | Suspended Funds Inquiry |
O3UE2_WORKPLACE | Process 2.0 Workplace |
O3UE2_WORKPLACE_001 | Wyoming Escrow Workplace |
O3UE2_WORKPLACE_002 | Escheat Workplace |
O3UE2_WORKPLACE_003 | Arkansas Escrow Workplace |
O3UE2_WY_ESCROW_ADDR | Wyoming Escrow Address Maintenance |
O3UGR_ASU | Maintain Auto-Suspension Data |
O3UGR_ASUE | Maintain Auto-Suspension Exceptions |
O3UGR_DISP_OOSWO | Display Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
O3UGR_DISP_ROYHST | Up-to-Date Reported Roy.Transactions |
O3UGR_DISP_RPTVAR | Generic Royalty Variance Report |
O3UGR_DIS_ROYTXN | Display Royalty Transactions |
O3UGR_ENTITY | Maintain Agency Entity |
O3UGR_MASTER | Maintain Master Data |
O3UGR_MIGRATION | Gen Rep History Migration |
O3UGR_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance |
O3UGR_OWNXRF | Maintain Owner / Report XRef |
O3UGR_SOL | Maintain Statute-of-Limitations Data |
O3UGR_SOLE | Maintain SOL Exceptions |
O3UGR_UPD_ROYHST | Update Generic Royalty History |
O3UGR_UPD_ROYTXN | Maintain Generic User Royalty Trans |
O3UGT_EDITOR | Upstream Graphics Editor |
O3UGT_ICON_DOWNLOAD | Download Upstream Graphics Bitmaps |
O3UGT_ICON_MAINT | Bitmap/Flashform Maintenance |
O3UGT_ICON_UPLOAD | Upload Upstream Graphics Bitmaps |
O3UHS_CM1 | Common Table Entries - Create |
O3UHS_CM2 | Common Table Entries - Change |
O3UHS_CM3 | Common Table Entries - Display |
O3UHS_CM4 | Common Table Entries - Delete |
O3UH_1099 | 1099 Report |
O3UH_ACCEPTED_JE | Posted Journal Entries Reports |
O3UH_ACCT_CLOSE | Accounting Period Close |
O3UH_AD_VAL | Ad Valorem |
O3UH_ARJE | A/R Journal Entry Generation |
O3UH_ARWOC | A/R Write Off Cents Report |
O3UH_AR_UP | Accounts Receivable Update |
O3UH_CC | Check Clearing |
O3UH_CR_NA | Create Negative Amounts |
O3UH_ES | Escheat Processing |
O3UH_FLASH_DOWNLOAD | Download Reporting Flashforms |
O3UH_FLASH_UPLOAD | Upload Reporting Flashforms |
O3UH_FT | Funds Transfer |
O3UH_JEPOST | JE Posting |
O3UH_JEPURGE_ANN | JE Annual Purge |
O3UH_JEPURGE_OFF | JE Offset Purge |
O3UH_LOAD_JEINTF | Load JEINTF rec for Batch type 40&41 |
O3UH_NA_IN | Negative Amount Invoice |
O3UH_NA_PU | Negative Amount Purge |
O3UH_NP_SU | Negative Payment Suspense Report |
O3UH_OUT_CDEX | Outbound CDEX |
O3UH_REJECTED_JE | Rejected Journal Entries Report |
O3UH_REPEX | Report Execution |
O3UH_RV | Revenue Report Viewer |
O3UH_TC | Treasury Check |
O3UH_TP_WO | Taxes Payable Write Off |
O3UH_VC_CP | Void/Cleared Check Purge |
O3UH_VMC | Process Void/Manual Checks |
O3UI7 | Create Repository Formula |
O3UI8 | Change Repository Formula |
O3UI9 | Display Repository Formula |
O3UOW_CHECKIN_JOBS | View Check In and Check Out Jobs |
O3UOW_COT | Chain of Title |
O3UOW_DOC | Change Owner List Processing |
O3UOW_OR0 | Owner Transfer/Maintenance |
O3UOW_OTX | Owner Transfer Execution Report |
O3UOW_OW9 | DOI Tract by Owner List Processing |
O3UOW_PP | Production Payment |
O3UOW_SUMM_BAL | Outstanding summary balance |
O3UOW_UT9 | DOI Tract by Tract List Processing |
O3UOW_UTP0 | Unit to Tract Participation |
O3UOW_UV9 | Unit Venture List Processing |
O3UPC_AVGRP | Availability Groupijng |
O3UPC_SPADJ | Sales Point Adjustment |
O3UPR_DNST9 | Display DN Status |
O3UPR_MPALF | Display MP Allocation Factor |
O3UPR_RWC | Regulatory Reallocated WC |
O3UPR_SKF | SKF Submission |
O3UPR_WCALF | Display Well/WC Allocation Factor |
O3UPR_WCDPS | WC Daily Pressures |
O3UP_ADMIN_WORKBENCH | PDM Administrators' Workbench |
O3UREP_MASTER | Regulatory Reporting Master Data |
O3UREP_MMS_2014 | MMS-2014 Workplace |
O3UREP_MMS_2014_FORM | MMS 2014 Printable Form |
O3UREP_MMS_EDIT | Regulatory Reporting Report MMS Edit |
O3UREP_MMS_MRTHIST | MMS Level Historic Royalty Trans Rep |
O3UREP_MMS_MRTPEND | MMS Level Pending Royalty Trans Rep |
O3UREP_MMS_RECOUP | MMS Indian Recoupable Report |
O3UREP_MMS_REJECTS | MMS Extraction Rejects Report |
O3UREP_MMS_RTHIST | Historic Extract Report |
O3UREP_OPERATOR | Regulatory Reporting Setup |
O3UREP_ROY_BASEDATA | Royalty base data maintenance |
O3UREP_ROY_MASTER | Master Maint. for Royalty Reporting |
O3UREP_ROY_MDQ | Master Data Query |
O3UREP_ROY_REPORTING | Royalty Reporting |
O3URV_ALT_CT_OW_XREF | Alternative Owner Xref |
O3URV_COMB | Combined Run Report |
O3URV_COMB_NEW | New Combined Run report |
O3URV_DOC | Valuation Document Worklist |
O3URV_RDSUM | RD summary generation |
O3URV_SRPT | Valuation Selection Report |
O3URV_SS0 | Settlement Statement |
O3URV_SST0 | Settlement Stmnt/DOI Cross-Reference |
O3UT2_FDN9 | Display FDN records |
O3UT2_IM0 | Interface Monitor |
O3UT5_ASU | Maintain Auto-Suspension Data |
O3UT5_ASUE | Maintain Auto-Suspension Exceptions |
O3UT5_DIS_RPT_VAR | Oklahoma Tax Variance Report |
O3UT5_DIS_TAXHST | Up-to-Date Reported Transactions |
O3UT5_DIS_TAXTXN | Oklahoma Tax Transactions |
O3UT5_KUNXRF | Oklahoma Taxpayer Number Maintenance |
O3UT5_MASTER | Oklahoma Master Data Maintenance |
O3UT5_PUN_INFO | Maintain PUN Info |
O3UT5_SOLE | Maintain SOL Exceptions |
O3UT5_UPD_OOSWO | OK Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maint |
O3UT5_UPD_TAXHST | Update Oklahoma Tax History |
O3UT5_UPD_TAXTXN | Oklahoma User Tax Transactions |
O3UVL_GSP0 | Gas Statement Profile |
O3UVL_GST9 | Gas Statement Report List Processing |
O3UVL_MTA | Marketing Cost Tax Allowance |
O3UVL_OSP0 | Oil Statement Profile |
O3UVL_OST9 | Oil Statement Report List Processing |
O3UVL_RPA0 | Royalty Processing Allowance |
O3UVL_RTI | Run Tickets |
O3UVL_STR0 | State Tax Rates |
O3UVL_TCD0 | Tax Calculation Data - Doc Concept |
O3UVL_TCL0 | Tax Classification |
O3UVL_TCL9 | Tax Classification List Processing |
O3UVL_TPA0 | Tax Processing Allowance |
O3UVL_TTX0 | Tier Tax Maintenance |
O3UX1_MIGR_FINAL | Finalize tax reporting migration |
O3UX1_MIGR_TRN | Migrate tax transaction data |
O3UX1_TAXREP_MAIN | Tax Reporting Main |
O3UX1_TAXREP_MSTR | Tax reporting master maintenance |
O3UX1_TAX_ADJ | Tax adjusments transaction |
O3UX2_MSTR_QUERY | master data query |
O3UX3_DISP_TX_EDTERR | Texas Additional Edit Errors |
O3UX3_DISP_TX_OOSWO | List of Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
O3UX3_DISP_TX_RPVAR | Texas Tax Variance Report |
O3UX3_MIGRATION | Tax Reporting - Migration Workbench |
O3UX3_MIGRATION_001 | Texas Migration Workbench |
O3UX3_MIG_LOAD_VLDOC | Tax 2.0 - Load VL Docs for Migration |
O3UX3_PORTAL | Generic Portal |
O3UX3_PORTAL_001 | Tax Reporting Portal |
O3UX3_RPT_PROF | Maintain Reporting Profiles |
O3UX3_TX_ASU | Maintain Auto-Suspension Data |
O3UX3_TX_ASUE | Maintain Auto-Suspension Exception |
O3UX3_TX_BATXID | Maintain Business Associate Tax IDs |
O3UX3_TX_LEASE | Maintain Texas Lease Data |
O3UX3_TX_LEASE_MSTR | Maintain Texas Lease Master Data |
O3UX3_TX_MASTER | Maintain Texas Master Data |
O3UX3_TX_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance |
O3UX3_TX_SOL | Maintain Statute-of-Limitations Data |
O3UX3_TX_SOLE | Maintain SOL Exceptions |
O3UX3_TX_TAXHST | Up-to-Date Reported Transactions |
O3UX3_TX_TAXTXN | Texas Tax Transactions |
O3UX3_UPD_TX_TAXHST | Texas Tax History |
O3UX3_UPD_TX_TAXTXN | Maintain Texas User Tax Transaction |
O3UX3_WORKPLACE | Report 2.0 Workplace |
O3UX4_OUT_BAL | TPSL/TP out of balance report |
O3UX4_PORTAL_002 | Taxes Payable Reconciliation Portal |
O3UX4_RESP_ID | Maintain Taxes Payable Resp. ID |
O3UX4_TPMIG_VERIFY | Transaction to verify TP Migration |
O3UX4_TP_MIGRATE | Transaction for TP Recon Migration |
O3UX4_WORKPLACE | TP Summary Workplace |
O3UX4_WO_SETUP | Taxes Payable Write Off Setup |
O3UX5_DISP_OK_RPVAR | Oklahoma Tax Variance Report |
O3UX5_DISP_OK_TAXHST | Up-to-Date Reported Transactions |
O3UX5_DISP_OK_TAXTXN | Oklahoma Tax Transactions |
O3UX5_DISP_OOSWO | List of Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
O3UX5_MIGRATION_002 | Oklahoma Migration Workbench |
O3UX5_OK_ASU | Maintain Auto-Suspension Data |
O3UX5_OK_BATXID | Oklahoma BA Tax ID Maintenance |
O3UX5_OK_MASTER | Oklahoma Master Data Maintenance |
O3UX5_OK_PUN_EDIT | Tax 2.0 OK - PUN Edit Report |
O3UX5_OK_SOL | Maintain Statute-of-Limitations Data |
O3UX5_OK_SOLE | Maintain SOL Exceptions |
O3UX5_OK_TAX_RT | Tax 2.0 - OKGP Tax Rate Maintenance |
O3UX5_OK_ZVOL | Maintain Oklahoma Zero Vol Reporting |
O3UX5_UPD_OK_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance |
O3UX5_UPD_OK_TAXHST | Update Oklahoma Tax History |
O3UX5_UPD_OK_TAXTXN | Maintain User Tax Transactions |
O3UX6_DISP_OOSWO | List of WY Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
O3UX6_DISP_WYCTAXHST | Up-to-Date Reported Conserv Trans |
O3UX6_DISP_WYCTAXTXN | Wyoming Conservation Tax Trans |
O3UX6_DISP_WYC_RPVAR | WY Conservation Tax Variance Rpt |
O3UX6_DISP_WYSTAXHST | Up-to-Date Reported Severance Trans |
O3UX6_DISP_WYSTAXTXN | Wyoming Severance Tax Transactions |
O3UX6_DISP_WYS_RPVAR | Wyoming Severance Tax Variance Rpt |
O3UX6_MIGRATION_003 | Wyoming Migration Workbench |
O3UX6_UPD_WYC_OOS_WO | WY Con Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
O3UX6_UPD_WYS_OOS_WO | WY Sev Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
O3UX6_UPD_WY_CTAXHST | Update Wyoming Conserv Tax History |
O3UX6_UPD_WY_CTAXTXN | Maintain WY Conserv User Tax Trans |
O3UX6_UPD_WY_STAXHST | Update Wyoming Severance Tax History |
O3UX6_UPD_WY_STAXTXN | Maintain WY Severance User Tax Trans |
O3UX6_WY_ASU | Tax 2.0 - Wyoming AutoSuspend Master |
O3UX6_WY_ASUE | Tax 2.0 - Wyoming AutoSuspend Except |
O3UX6_WY_BAOPID | Tax 2.0 - Wyoming BA Operator ID |
O3UX6_WY_CTAX_RT | Tax 2.0 - WYC Tax Rate Maintenance |
O3UX6_WY_LCDOVR | Tax 2.0 - Wyoming LCD Override |
O3UX6_WY_MASTER | Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Master Data |
O3UX6_WY_SOL | Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Statute of Limit |
O3UX6_WY_SOLE | Tax 2.0 - Wyoming SOL Exceptions |
O3UX6_WY_STAX_RT | Tax 2.0 - WYS Tax Rate Maintenance |
O3UX6_WY_ZVOL | Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Zero Volume Master |
O3UX7_WORKPLACE | Tax 2.0 - WYGP Workplace |
O3UX7_WY_MKTOVR | Tax 2.0 - WYGP Mkt XRef Override |
O3UX7_WY_MPALLOC | Tax 2.0 - WYGP MP Allocation |
O3UX8_DISP_NM_OOSWO | List of NM Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
O3UX8_DISP_NM_RPTVAR | New Mexico Tax Variance Report |
O3UX8_DISP_NM_TAXDTL | Display New Mexico Tax Trans Decimal |
O3UX8_DISP_NM_TAXHST | Up-to-Date Reported New Mexico Trans |
O3UX8_DISP_NM_TAXTXN | Display New Mexico Tax Transactions |
O3UX8_LOAD_HISTORY | New Mexico State History Upload |
O3UX8_LOAD_SUFF_RATE | Tax 2.0 NM - Upload suffix tax rates |
O3UX8_MIGRATION | New Mexico Migration Workbench |
O3UX8_NM_AFFOVR | Maintain New Mexico Aff Cd Override |
O3UX8_NM_ASU | Maintain New Mexico Auto-Suspend |
O3UX8_NM_ASUE | Maintain NM Auto Suspend Exception |
O3UX8_NM_COMBINE_XML | Utility for Combined Current O&G XML |
O3UX8_NM_ITC_MST | Tax 2.0 NM: Maintain ITC master data |
O3UX8_NM_JC_MST | Maintain New Mexico Jicarilla Credit |
O3UX8_NM_MASTER | Maintain New Mexico Master |
O3UX8_NM_OTH_OWN | Maintain New Mexico Oth Exmpt Owners |
O3UX8_NM_RPDT_MIG | Tax 2.0 NM Report Details Migration |
O3UX8_NM_RPSM_MIG | Tax 2.0 NM Report Summary Migration |
O3UX8_NM_SOL | Maintain New Mexico Statute-of-Limit |
O3UX8_NM_SOLE | Maintain New Mexico SOL Exceptions |
O3UX8_NM_SUFFDEC | Maintain New Mexico Suffix Decimal |
O3UX8_NM_SUFFXRF | Maintain New Mexico Suffix Cross-ref |
O3UX8_UPD_NM_OOS_WO | New Mexico Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
O3UX8_UPD_NM_TAXHST | Update New Mexico Tax History |
O3UX8_UPD_NM_TAXTXN | Maintain New Mexico User Tax Trans |
O3UX8_VERIFY_ST_HST | NM Verify State Vs Migrated data |
O3UY3_DISP_BAL_RPT | Texas GLO/TAMU Balancing Report |
O3UY3_DISP_PAY_RECON | Texas GLO/TAMU Payables Recon |
O3UY3_DISP_TX_OOSWO | List of Texas GLO OOS Write-Offs |
O3UY3_DISP_TX_ROYHST | Up-to-Date Reported Texas GLO Trans |
O3UY3_DISP_TX_ROYTXN | Display TX GLO/TAMU Royalty Trans |
O3UY3_DISP_TX_RPTVAR | TX GLO/TAMU Royalty Variance Report |
O3UY3_TX_ASU | Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU ASU Master |
O3UY3_TX_ASUE | Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU ASUE Master |
O3UY3_TX_BAXRF | Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU BA XRef |
O3UY3_TX_CTRL | Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU Rpt Ctrl Mst |
O3UY3_TX_LEASE | Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU Lease Master |
O3UY3_TX_MASTER | Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU Master Data |
O3UY3_TX_OWNOVR | Maintain TX GLO/TAMU Own Lvl Rpt Ovr |
O3UY3_TX_PDCXRF | Maintain Production Disposition XRef |
O3UY3_TX_RDCXRF | Maintain Royalty Disposition XRef |
O3UY3_TX_RRC | Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU RRC Master |
O3UY3_TX_SOL | Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU SOL Master |
O3UY3_TX_SOLE | Maintain TX GLO/TAMU SOL Exception |
O3UY3_TX_UNIT | Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU Unit Master |
O3UY3_UPD_TX_OOS_WO | TX GLO/TAMU Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
O3UY3_UPD_TX_ROYHST | Update TX GLO/TAMU Royalty History |
O3UY3_UPD_TX_ROYTXN | Maintain Texas GLO User Roy Trans |
O3UY6_DISP_BAL_RPT | Wyoming Royalty Balancing Report |
O3UY6_DISP_PAY_RECON | Wyoming OPSL Balancing Report |
O3UY6_DISP_WY_OOSWO | List of WY Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
O3UY6_DISP_WY_ROYHST | Up-to-Date Reported Wyoming Trans |
O3UY6_DISP_WY_ROYTXN | Display Wyoming Royalty Transactions |
O3UY6_DISP_WY_RPTVAR | Wyoming Royalty Variance Report |
O3UY6_MIGRATION_005 | WY Oil Royalty Migration Workbench |
O3UY6_MIGRATION_006 | WY Gas Royalty Migration Workbench |
O3UY6_UPD_WY_OOS_WO | Wyoming Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
O3UY6_UPD_WY_ROYHST | Update Wyoming Royalty History |
O3UY6_UPD_WY_ROYTXN | Maintain Wyoming User Roy Trans |
O3UY6_WY_ASU | Maintain Wyoming Auto Suspend Master |
O3UY6_WY_ASUE | Maintain Wyoming Auto Suspend Except |
O3UY6_WY_CAPOVR | Maintain Wyoming CA Percent Override |
O3UY6_WY_CBMOVR | Maintain WY Coal Bed Methane Overrid |
O3UY6_WY_LEASE | Maintain Wyoming Lease Master |
O3UY6_WY_MASTER | Maintain Wyoming Master Data |
O3UY6_WY_PRICE | Maintain Wyoming Reporting Price |
O3UY6_WY_SOL | Maintain Wyoming Statute of Limit |
O3UY6_WY_SOLE | Maintain Wyoming SOL Exceptions |
O3UY6_WY_ZVOL | Wyoming Royalty Zero Volume Master |
O3UYA_CO_DISP_ROYHST | Up-to-Date CO Roy Reported Data |
O3UYA_CO_DISP_RPTVAR | Colorado Royalty Variance Report |
O3UYA_CO_DIS_ROYTXN | Display Colorado Royalty Transaction |
O3UYA_CO_ENTITY | Maintain Colorado Entity Data |
O3UYA_CO_MASTER | Maintain Colorado Master Data |
O3UYA_CO_MIGRATION | Generic CO Master Migration |
O3UYA_CO_UPD_ROYHST | Update Colorado Royalty History |
O3UYA_CO_ZVOL | Roy 2.0 - CO Zero Vol Rpt Master |
O3UYA_CO_ZVOL_UPLOAD | Roy 2.0 - CO Zero Vol Upload |
O3UYC_BA_RPTID | Royalty 2.0 - BA & Rpt ID XReference |
O3UYC_PORTAL_003 | Royalty 2.0 Portal |
O3U_APIG | API Gravity Scale Adjustments |
O3U_AWO | Automatic Write off processing |
O3U_BA | Create Business Associate |
O3U_BA1 | Create Business Associate |
O3U_BA2 | Change Business Associate |
O3U_BA3 | Display Business Associate |
O3U_BG1 | Create Bearer Group |
O3U_BG2 | Change Bearer Group |
O3U_BG3 | Display Bearer Group |
O3U_BG6 | Delete Bearer Group |
O3U_BG9 | Burden Group: List Processing |
O3U_BLTMPL | CT Vol by MP Build Template |
O3U_CA011 | Create Marketing Group Assignment |
O3U_CA012 | Change Marketing Group Assignment |
O3U_CA013 | Display Marketing Group Assignment |
O3U_CA016 | Delete Marketing Group Assignment |
O3U_CA021 | Create Allocation Cross Reference |
O3U_CA022 | Change Allocation Cross Reference |
O3U_CA023 | Display Allocation Cross Reference |
O3U_CA026 | Delete Allocation Cross Reference |
O3U_CA029 | Allocation Cross Reference List Proc |
O3U_CA031 | Create CA Manual Entry |
O3U_CA032 | Change CA Manual Entry |
O3U_CA033 | Display CA Manual Entry |
O3U_CA036 | Delete CA Manual Entry |
O3U_CA039 | CA Manual Entry List Proc |
O3U_CA042 | Change DN Volume Allocation |
O3U_CA043 | Display DN Volume Allocation |
O3U_CA052 | Change Contract Volume by MP |
O3U_CA053 | Display Contract Volume by MP |
O3U_CA059 | Contract Volume by MP List Processin |
O3U_CA061 | Revised Owner Availability List |
O3U_CA062 | Revised Owner Availability - Change |
O3U_CA063 | Revised Owner Availabilty - Display |
O3U_CA069 | Revised Owner Availability List Proc |
O3U_CA071 | Create SPF Statement Volumes |
O3U_CA072 | Change SPF Statement Volumes |
O3U_CA073 | Display SPF Statement Volumes |
O3U_CA076 | Delete SPF Statement Volumes |
O3U_CA079 | List Processing for SPF |
O3U_CA09 | Allocated Volumes Inquiry |
O3U_CA10 | Entitled Volumes Inquiry |
O3U_CA11 | Contract Volumes by WC Inquiry |
O3U_CHA1 | Create Chemical Analysis |
O3U_CHA2 | Change Chemical Analysis |
O3U_CHA3 | Display Chemical Analysis |
O3U_CHA6 | Delete Chemical Analysis |
O3U_CHA9 | Chemical Analysis List |
O3U_CPAM1 | Create Custom Plant Allocation Mth |
O3U_CPAM2 | Change Custom Plant Allocation Mth |
O3U_CPAM3 | Display Custom Plant Allocation Mth |
O3U_CPAM6 | Delete Custom Plant Allocation Mth |
O3U_CTYP1 | Create Component Typification |
O3U_CTYP2 | Change Component Typification |
O3U_CTYP3 | Display Component Typification |
O3U_CTYP6 | Delete Component Typification |
O3U_DI1 | Base DOI Maintenance Create |
O3U_DI2 | Base DOI Maintenance Change |
O3U_DI3 | Base DOI Maintenance Display |
O3U_DI6 | Base DOI Maintenance Delete |
O3U_DI9 | Base DOI List Processing |
O3U_DMG1 | Create DN Measurement Group |
O3U_DMG2 | Change DN Measurement Group |
O3U_DMG3 | Display DN Measurement Group |
O3U_DMG6 | Delete DN Measurement Group |
O3U_DN1 | Create Delivery Network |
O3U_DN11 | Create Delivery Network-call from UG |
O3U_DN2 | Update Delivery Network |
O3U_DN3 | Display Delivery Network |
O3U_DND1 | Create Delivery Network Dated |
O3U_DND11 | Create DN Dated - call from UG |
O3U_DND2 | Change Delivery Network Dated |
O3U_DND3 | Dialog Delivery Network Dated |
O3U_DND6 | Delete Delivery Network Dated |
O3U_DNH1 | Delivery network group create |
O3U_DNH2 | Delivery network group change |
O3U_DNH3 | Delivery network group show |
O3U_DNND1 | Create Delivery Netwok Link |
O3U_DNND2 | Change Delivery Netwok Link |
O3U_DNND3 | Display Delivery Netwok Link |
O3U_DNND6 | Delete Delivery Netwok Link |
O3U_DNND9 | DNND Report |
O3U_DO2 | DOI Owner Maintenance Change |
O3U_DO3 | DOI Owner Maintenance Display |
O3U_DOL1 | List process for DOI Interest |
O3U_DOL2 | Owner Interest List processing |
O3U_DP1 | DOI Accounting - Doc Concept |
O3U_DP2 | DOI Accounting Change - Doc Concept |
O3U_DP3 | DOI Accounting Display - Doc Concept |
O3U_DP6 | DOI Accounting Delete - Doc Concept |
O3U_DP9 | DOI Accounting List Processing |
O3U_FLD1 | Field Identification Create |
O3U_FLD2 | Field Identification Change |
O3U_FLD3 | Field Identification Display |
O3U_FLD6 | Field Identification Delete |
O3U_FRML1 | Create Formula Id Maintenance |
O3U_FRML2 | Change Formula Id Maintenance |
O3U_FRML3 | Display Formula Id Maintenance |
O3U_FRML6 | Delete Formula Id Maintenance |
O3U_GAS1 | Create API Gravity Adjustment Scale |
O3U_GAS2 | Change API Gravity Adjustment Scale |
O3U_GAS3 | Display API Gravity Adjustment Scale |
O3U_GAS6 | Delete API Gravity Adjustment Scale |
O3U_JV1 | Create Joint Venture |
O3U_JV2 | Change Joint Venture |
O3U_JV3 | Display Joint Venture |
O3U_JV9 | JV List Processing |
O3U_LWGOR1 | Create Lease Wide GOR |
O3U_LWGOR2 | Change Lease Wide GOR |
O3U_LWGOR3 | Display Lease Wide GOR |
O3U_LWGOR6 | Delete Lease Wide GOR |
O3U_MAIN | Main Menu |
O3U_MCCT | Maintain container categories |
O3U_MDE1 | Mass Data Entry MP Volumes |
O3U_MEASUREMENT | Measurement system (temporary me |
O3U_MECF | Maintain calculation functions |
O3U_MECL | Maintain measurement classes |
O3U_MEDOCC | List measurement document changes |
O3U_MEDOCL | List measurement documents |
O3U_MEMC | Maintain measurement calculations |
O3U_MEMT | Maintain measurement types |
O3U_MEMTNR | Meas.doc. number range assignment |
O3U_MENU | Production Application Menu |
O3U_MERT | Maintain reading types |
O3U_MESC | Measurement sources |
O3U_MEUMG | Maintain unit of meaure groups |
O3U_MKT1 | Create Internal Marketing Rates |
O3U_MKT2 | Change Internal Marketing Rates |
O3U_MKT3 | Display Internal Marketing Rates |
O3U_MKT6 | Delete Internal Marketing Rates |
O3U_MP1 | Create Measurement Point |
O3U_MP11 | Create MP - call from UG |
O3U_MP2 | Change Measurement Point |
O3U_MP21 | Change MP - call from UG |
O3U_MP3 | Display Measurement Point |
O3U_MPAP1 | Create MP Allocation Profile |
O3U_MPAP2 | Change MP Allocation Profile |
O3U_MPAP3 | Display MP Allocation Profile |
O3U_MPAP6 | Delete MP Allocation Profile |
O3U_MPAP9 | List Processing MP Alloc Profile |
O3U_MPD1 | Measurement Point Dated Create |
O3U_MPD11 | MP Dated Create - call from UG |
O3U_MPD2 | Measurement Point Dated Change |
O3U_MPD21 | MP Dated Change - call from UG |
O3U_MPD3 | Measurement Point Dated Browse |
O3U_MPD6 | Measurement Point Dated Delete |
O3U_MPFUS1 | Create MP Fuel Usage |
O3U_MPFUS2 | Change MP Fuel Usage |
O3U_MPFUS3 | Display MP Fuel Usage |
O3U_MPFUS6 | Delete MP Fuel Usage |
O3U_MPH1 | Measurement point group create |
O3U_MPH2 | Measurement point group change |
O3U_MPH3 | Measurement point group show |
O3U_MPVL1 | Create Measurement Point Volumes |
O3U_MPVL2 | Change Measurement Point Volumes |
O3U_MPVL3 | Display Measurement Point Volumes |
O3U_MPVL6 | Delete Measurement Point Volumes |
O3U_MPVL9 | Measurement Point Volumes List |
O3U_MSP1 | Create MP Meter Specifications |
O3U_MSP2 | Change MP Meter Specifications |
O3U_MSP3 | Display MP Meter Specifications |
O3U_MSP6 | Delete MP Meter Specifications |
O3U_MWG1 | Create WC & MP Measurments |
O3U_MWG2 | Change WC & MP Measurments |
O3U_MWG3 | Display WC & MP Measurments |
O3U_MWG6 | Delete WC & MP Measurments |
O3U_MWG9 | MP/WC Measurements |
O3U_MWHV1 | Create MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref. |
O3U_MWHV2 | Change MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref. |
O3U_MWHV3 | Display MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref. |
O3U_MWHV6 | Delete MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref. |
O3U_MWT1 | MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Create |
O3U_MWT2 | MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Change |
O3U_MWT3 | MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Display |
O3U_MWT6 | MP/WC to Transporter Xref - Delete |
O3U_MWT9 | MP/WC to Transporter Xref List |
O3U_OMPMRA | M.Pt. Meas.Reading assignment |
O3U_OMPMTD | M.Pt. meas.type derivation |
O3U_PAM1 | Create Plant Allocation Methods |
O3U_PAM2 | Change Plant Allocation Methods |
O3U_PAM3 | Display Plant Allocation Methods |
O3U_PAM6 | Delete Plant Allocation Methods |
O3U_PC011 | Create Capacity |
O3U_PC012 | Change Capacity |
O3U_PC013 | Display Capacity |
O3U_PC016 | Delete Capacity |
O3U_PC019 | Capacity List Processing |
O3U_PC022 | Availability - Change |
O3U_PC023 | Availability - Display |
O3U_PC029 | Availability List Processing |
O3U_PC032 | Multiple Sales Sourcing - Change |
O3U_PC033 | Multiple Sales Sourcing - Display |
O3U_PC039 | Multiple Sales Sourcing List Process |
O3U_PC042 | Change Transporter Rankings |
O3U_PC043 | Display Transporter Ranking |
O3U_PC051 | Create Daily Availability |
O3U_PC052 | Daily Availability - Change |
O3U_PC053 | Daily Availability - Display |
O3U_PC059 | Daily Availability List Processing |
O3U_PC06 | Availability Exceptions Report |
O3U_PC06A | Call Validation Routine |
O3U_PC07 | Submit Nomination Changes |
O3U_PC08 | Review Nomination Changes |
O3U_PC09 | Availability by Owner |
O3U_PC10 | CA Interface |
O3U_PF1 | Platform Maintenance Create |
O3U_PF2 | Platform Maintenance Change |
O3U_PF3 | Platform Maintenance Display |
O3U_PF6 | Platform Maintenance Delete |
O3U_PP2 | Price maintenance |
O3U_PP3 | Price maintenance |
O3U_PPN02 | Valuation PPN Selection |
O3U_PPNM01 | Manual PPN: Create |
O3U_PPNM02 | Manual PPN: Change |
O3U_PPNM03 | Manual PPN: Display |
O3U_REBUILD_HIER | Rebuild Standard Hierarchies |
O3U_RES1 | Create Reservoir |
O3U_RES2 | Change Reservoir |
O3U_RES3 | Display Reservoir |
O3U_RES6 | Delete Reservoir |
O3U_RETMPL | CT Vol by MP Refresh Template |
O3U_RH | Transaction to rebuild Hierarchies |
O3U_RMAT1 | Create WC/MP Reproduced Materials |
O3U_RMAT2 | Change WC/MP Reproduced Materials |
O3U_RMAT3 | Display WC/MP Reproduced Materials |
O3U_RMAT6 | Delete WC/MP Reproduced Materials |
O3U_ROLLMP | Capacity Roll - Measurement Point |
O3U_ROLLWC | Capacity Roll - Well Completion |
O3U_RQST | VA/CA Allocation Request |
O3U_RVT02 | Set deletion flag for Val. rejects |
O3U_SCM2 | Maintain Gravity Scale Defintion |
O3U_SCM3 | Display Gravity Scale Defintion |
O3U_SS1 | Create Supply Source |
O3U_SS2 | Change Supply Source |
O3U_SS3 | Display Supply Source |
O3U_SS6 | Delete Supply Source |
O3U_TCM1 | DN/WC Create Theo Calc Meth |
O3U_TCM2 | DN/WC Change Theo Calc Meth |
O3U_TCM3 | DN/WC Display Theo Calc Meth |
O3U_TCM6 | DN/WC Delete Thoo Calc Meth |
O3U_TCM9 | DN/WC Theo Calc Meth List Proc |
O3U_TOV1 | Create Allocation Basis for MP/WC |
O3U_TOV2 | Change Allocation Basis for MP/WC |
O3U_TOV3 | Display Allocation Basis for MP/WC |
O3U_TOV6 | Delete Allocation Basis for MP/WC |
O3U_TOV9 | MP/WC Theo Override List Processing |
O3U_VAFR1 | Create VA Formula Rules |
O3U_VAFR2 | Change VA Formula Rules |
O3U_VAFR3 | Display VA Formula Rules |
O3U_VAFR6 | Delete VA Formula Rules |
O3U_VCR1 | Create Valuation Cross Reference |
O3U_VCR2 | Change Valuation Cross Reference |
O3U_VCR3 | Display Valuation Cross Reference |
O3U_VCR6 | Delete Valuation Cross Reference |
O3U_VCR9 | VCR List Processing |
O3U_VLFR1 | Create Valuation Formula |
O3U_VLFR2 | Change Valuation Formula |
O3U_VLFR3 | Display Valuation Formula |
O3U_VLFR6 | Delete Valuation Formula |
O3U_VLFR9 | Valuation Formula list processing |
O3U_VPPN9 | Production PPN Dialog |
O3U_WC1 | Create Well Completion |
O3U_WC11 | Create Well Completion- call from UG |
O3U_WC2 | Change Well Completion |
O3U_WC21 | Change Well Completion- call from UG |
O3U_WC3 | Display Well Completion |
O3U_WCCO1 | WC contamination Override Create |
O3U_WCCO2 | WC contamination Override Change |
O3U_WCCO3 | WC contamination Override Display |
O3U_WCCO6 | WC contamination Override Delete |
O3U_WCD1 | Create Well Completion Dated |
O3U_WCD11 | Create WC Dated - call from UG |
O3U_WCD2 | Change Well Completion Dated |
O3U_WCD21 | Change Well Completion Dated |
O3U_WCD3 | Display Well Completion Dated |
O3U_WCD6 | Delete Well Completion Dated |
O3U_WCDC1 | Create WC Downhole Commingled |
O3U_WCDC2 | Change WC Downhole Commingled |
O3U_WCDC3 | Display WC Downhole Commingled |
O3U_WCDC6 | Delete WC Downhole Commingled |
O3U_WCDT1 | Create WC Downtime |
O3U_WCDT2 | Change WC Downtime |
O3U_WCDT3 | Display WC Downtime |
O3U_WCDT6 | Delete WC Downtime |
O3U_WCDT9 | Well Completion Downtime report |
O3U_WCDVL1 | create wc volumes |
O3U_WCDVL2 | Change wc volumes |
O3U_WCDVL3 | Display wc volumes |
O3U_WCDVL6 | Delete wc volumes |
O3U_WCDVL9 | Well Completion Volumes List |
O3U_WL1 | Well Identification Create |
O3U_WL11 | Well Id Create - call from UG |
O3U_WL2 | Well Identification Change |
O3U_WL3 | Well Identification Display |
O3U_WL6 | Well Identification Display |
O3U_WLH1 | Well completion group create |
O3U_WLH2 | Well completion group create |
O3U_WLH3 | Well completion group create |
O3U_WLTS1 | Create Well Test |
O3U_WLTS2 | Well Test Change |
O3U_WLTS3 | Well Test display |
O3U_WLTS6 | Well Test delete |
O3U_WLTS9 | Well Test Report |
OIU | E&P Production Application Menu |
OIUAR_AGED_SUM | AR Aged Summary |
OIUAR_RESPID | Accounts Receivable Resp ID |
OIUAR_WOCONFIG | Accounts Receivable Writeoff Config |
OIUAR_WORKPLACE | Accounts Receivable Workplace |
OIUB | Field Sel. Equipment Usage List |
OIUC | Equipment List - CS |
OIUCI_CR | Check Input Copy/Reverse |
OIUDP_AUDIT_DELETE | DPP: PRA Vendor Audit data delete |
OIUDP_VRU | End of Purpose Utility Report |
OIUF | Functional Location List - CS |
OIUG | Service Order List |
OIUH_CI03 | Check Layout |
OIUH_CI04 | Remitter/Layout Cross Reference |
OIUH_CI05 | Check Input - Process Rules - CI05 |
OIUH_CI06 | Product/Property Translations |
OIUH_DO08 | DOI Owner Accounting Entry code |
OIUH_JE01 | Account Maintenance |
OIUH_JE02 | Account Entry Control |
OIUH_JE04 | Journal Entry Batch Control |
OIUH_JE05 | Manual Journal Entry |
OIUH_JE07 | General Ledger Query |
OIUH_JE10 | Miscellaneous Subledger Query |
OIUH_JE11 | Intercompany Subledger Query |
OIUH_JE12 | Owner Payable Subledger Query |
OIUH_JE13 | Legal Suspense Subledger Query |
OIUH_JE14 | Statistical Subledger Query |
OIUH_JE15 | Income Subledger Query |
OIUH_JE16 | Expense Subledger Query |
OIUH_JE17 | Tax Payable Subledger Query |
OIUH_JE18 | Accounts Payable Subledger Query |
OIUH_JE19 | Accounts Receivable Subledger Query |
OIUH_RD02 | A/R Reconciliation |
OIUH_RD03 | Owner Check |
OIUH_RD04 | Owner 1099 Information |
OIUH_RD05 | Owner Check Detail |
OIUH_RD06 | Withholding Tax Rate |
OIUH_RD07 | Ad Valorem Tax Recovery |
OIUH_RD08 | Negative Payable/Suspence |
OIUH_RD09 | A/R Write-off Approval |
OIUH_RD10 | Manual Royalty Check (RD10) |
OIUH_RD14 | Owner Interest Calculation |
OIUH_SRDA | Responsibility Id |
OIUH_TR01 | Tax and Royalty Profile |
OIUH_TR02 | Severance Tax Master File |
OIUH_TR04 | Severance Tax Transaction |
OIUH_TR06 | Colorado Ad Valorem |
OIUH_VL10 | Purchaser/Remitter Cross Reference |
OIUI | Order List - CS |
OIUK | Order list (multi-lev.) - goods mvmt |
OIUL | Order list (multi-lev.)-relationship |
OIUN | Order list (multi-lev.) costs/rev. |
OIUN_OP | Multi level, Operations, Cost/Rev |
OIUO | Func.loc.list (multi-lev)-meas.point |
OIUOR | R.P. List (Multilev.)- Ref. Meas.Pt |
OIUOW01_SCH_A | DOI Schedule A Report |
OIUP | Func.loc.list (multi-lev)-meas.doc. |
OIUQ | Equi.list(multi-lev)-measuring point |
OIUR | Equi.list(multi-lev)-measuring doc. |
OIUT2_PURGE | Purge Interface records |
OIUX1 | Eqmt List (Multilevel) - Maint.Item |
OIUX2 | Eqmt List (Multilevel) - Maint.Date |
OIUX3 | Eqmt List (Multilevel) -Maint.Pckg. |
OIUX4 | Eqmt List (Multilevel) - Operation |
OIUX5 | Func.Loc.List(Multilvl) -Maint. Item |
OIUX6 | Func.Loc.List(Multilvl) -Maint. Date |
OIUX7 | Func.Loc.List(Multilvl) -Maint. Pckg |
OIUX8 | Func.Loc.List (Multilvl) - Operation |
OIUXA | Multilevel Lists - Linear Data |
OIUXB | Multilevel Lists - LinearCharactData |
OIUXC | Structure Lists - Linear Data |
OIUXG | Multilvl F.Loc. Netw. List: Network |
OIUXH | Multilvl F.Loc.Netw.List: Netw.Attr. |
OIUXI | Multilvl F.Loc. Netw. List: Obj.Link |
OIUXJ | Multilvl F.Loc.Netw.List: Funct.Loc. |
OIUXK | Multilvl F.Loc.Netw.List: Notificat. |
OIUXL | Multilevel F.Loc. Netw. List: Order |
OIUXM | Multilvl F.Loc.Netw.List: Meas.Point |
OIUXN | Multilvl F.Loc.Netw. List: Meas.Doc. |
OIUXO | Multilevel Equi. Netw. List: Network |
OIUXP | Multilvl Equi.Netw. List: Netw.Attr. |
OIUXQ | Multilevel Equi.Netw. List: Obj.Link |
OIUXR | Multilvl Equi. Netw. List: Equipment |
OIUXS | Multilvl Equi.Netw. List: Notificat. |
OIUXT | Multilevel Equi. Netw. List: Order |
OIUXU | Multilvl Equi.Netw. List: Meas.Point |
OIUXV | Multilvl Equi. Netw. List: Meas.Doc. |
/PRA/99000012 | Maintain CA Global Settings |
/PRA/99000013 | Rounding Configuration |
/PRA/99000047 | IMG Activity |
/PRA/99000064 | Maintain Attribute Set |
/PRA/99000067 | Responsibility id BADI implementatio |
/PRA/99000068 | Maintain Function Area for Resp Id |
/PRA/99000136 | IMG Activity |
/PRA/99000012 | Maintain CA Global Settings |
/PRA/99000013 | Rounding Configuration |
/PRA/99000047 | IMG Activity |
/PRA/99000064 | Maintain Attribute Set |
/PRA/99000067 | Responsibility id BADI implementatio |
/PRA/99000068 | Maintain Function Area for Resp Id |
/PRA/99000136 | IMG Activity |
/PRA/ACCTDOC_CC_RVS | Reverse Intercompany Document |
/PRA/ACCTDOC_LNK_RPT | Accounting document Link report |
/PRA/ACCTDOC_LOG_RPT | Accounting document application log |
/PRA/ACCTDOC_MANUAL | Manual Accounting Document |
/PRA/ACCT_ANLYSIS_RP | Accounting Document Analysis Report |
/PRA/ACCT_ANLYS_DEL | Accounting Temp Data Deletion |
/PRA/ACCT_AWTO | Automatic Write-Off Processing |
/PRA/ACCT_CRTREJ | Accounting Document Correct Rejects |
/PRA/ACCT_CYC_CLOSE | Accounting Cycle close period report |
/PRA/ACCT_DATA_CLNUP | Accounting Document Data Clean Up |
/PRA/ACCT_DFLT_CFG | Migration configuration |
/PRA/ACCT_ENTRY | PRA Account Entry Control UI |
/PRA/ACCT_QUEUE_MON | Queue Monitor |
/PRA/ADV_DOC | Tax Recovery/Reimbursement Worklist |
/PRA/ADV_TRAN | Tax Recovery/Reimbursement Workplace |
/PRA/AR_ACCTP_BAL | AR Accounting Period Balance |
/PRA/AR_AGED_SUM | AR Aged Summary |
/PRA/AR_CNTRL_RPT | AR Control |
/PRA/AR_UPLOAD_CMMT | Upload AR Comments & Categories |
/PRA/AR_WOCONFIG | Accounts Receivable Writeoff Config |
/PRA/AR_WORKPLACE | Accounts Receivable Workplace |
/PRA/BADI_IMP | Import BAdI in SAP Easy Access |
/PRA/CA_GA_COMPONENT | Combined Component |
/PRA/CA_GA_LP | List Processing for DN Data |
/PRA/CA_GA_PORTAL | CA Gas Analysis Portal |
/PRA/CA_GA_WP2 | Chemical Analysis Data |
/PRA/CA_GA_WP3 | Delivery Network Data |
/PRA/CA_MAN_UPLOAD | Mass Uploads Report for CA Manual |
/PRA/CA_SPF_UPLOAD | Mass Upload for SPF Statement Volume |
/PRA/CA_SPO_UPLOAD | Mass Upload for CT Quantity By Sales |
/PRA/CDEX_PRODXREF | CDEX Comapny Product Cross Reference |
/PRA/CI_ACCT_CFG | Migration configuration |
/PRA/CI_ARVAR | Receivable and Price Variance |
/PRA/CI_CDEX | CDEX Workplace (New) |
/PRA/CI_CDEXREM_X | CDEX Remitter Cross Reference (New) |
/PRA/CI_CHECK_LAYOUT | Check Layout |
/PRA/CI_COPY_REVERSE | Check Input Copy/Reverse |
/PRA/CI_MASS | Processing Checks in Mass |
/PRA/CI_PDX | Remitter DOI Cross Reference |
/PRA/CI_PD_PRC_CFG | Migration configuration |
/PRA/CI_PPD | PRA Payment Posting Desktop |
/PRA/CI_PROCESSRULES | Check Input - Process Rules |
/PRA/CI_PUR_REM_XREF | Purchaser remitter cross refrence |
/PRA/CI_REC_DEC_CFG | Migration configuration |
/PRA/CI_REM_LAYOUT_X | Remitter/Layout Cross Reference |
/PRA/CI_SUSP | Suspended Line Item Messages |
/PRA/CI_TRANSLATIONS | Product/Property Translations |
/PRA/COA | PRA Chart Of Accounts UI |
/PRA/COMB_RUN | Combined Run Report |
/PRA/DISP_KS_OOSWO | List of Out-of-Statute Write-offs |
/PRA/DISP_KS_RPVAR | Kansas Tax Variance Report |
/PRA/DISP_OWN_ESCH | Vedor's Escheat Information |
/PRA/DISP_WH_TYPE | Owner Withholding Amounts |
/PRA/DN_WORKPLACE_C | Contractual Allocation DN Workplace |
/PRA/DN_WORKPLACE_P | Production DN Workplace |
/PRA/DN_WORKPLACE_V | Valuation DN Workplace |
/PRA/DOC_COMPARE | Compare RD results of 2 VL Documents |
/PRA/DVOLOPT_BK | Data Volume Optimization - Booking |
/PRA/DVOLOPT_REV | Data Volume Optimization - Reversal |
/PRA/ESCH_DISP_HIST | Display Owner Escheat History |
/PRA/ESCH_HST_CLN | Un-Escheat Owner |
/PRA/ESCH_RECON | Escheat - Summary and Detail Recon |
/PRA/ESCH_WORKPLACE | Escheat Workplace |
/PRA/ESCR_HISTORY | Wyoming Escrow Owner History |
/PRA/ESCR_WORKPLACE | Wyoming Escrow Workplace |
/PRA/ESC_SFI | Suspended Funds Inquiry |
/PRA/FF_CTR_VOL | Maintain CA Additional Gas Used/Lost |
/PRA/FF_CTR_VOL_UPLD | ONRR Field Fuel: Vol. Upload |
/PRA/FF_CTXRF | Maintain Override Contracts |
/PRA/FF_MAINT_RVWDS | Maintain Reserve Words |
/PRA/FF_RESULTSA | Display Allocation Results - Actual |
/PRA/FF_RESULTSE | Display Allocation Results Entitled |
/PRA/FF_UCA_MAINT | Field Fuel UCA Rate Maintenance |
/PRA/FF_UCA_UPLD | ONRR Post Roadmap: UCA Upload |
/PRA/FP_ADMIN_WP | ONRR-2014 Admin Workplace |
/PRA/FP_AGREE | Maintain Agreement |
/PRA/FP_ARC | Maintain Adj Reason Code Override |
/PRA/FP_ASU | Maintain Auto-Suspend |
/PRA/FP_ASUE | Maintain Auto-Suspend Exception |
/PRA/FP_CTXRF | Maintain Contract/Sales Type XRef |
/PRA/FP_DISP_COM_REC | Compliance Reconciliation Report |
/PRA/FP_DISP_FED_BAL | Federal/Indian Balance Inquiry |
/PRA/FP_DISP_INDXPRC | Display Monthly Index Zone Prices |
/PRA/FP_DISP_INT_CAL | Maintain Interest Calculations |
/PRA/FP_DISP_RCP_HD | Maintain Recoupable Balances |
/PRA/FP_DIS_HST_CMP | History Compare Workplace |
/PRA/FP_DIS_OGOR_CMP | OGOR Compare Report |
/PRA/FP_EDTOVR | Maintain Edit Code Override |
/PRA/FP_EST | ONRR-2014 Estimates Workplace |
/PRA/FP_FIN_REC_POP | Financial Reconciliation Populate |
/PRA/FP_FIN_REC_RPT | Financial Reconciliation Report |
/PRA/FP_INDX_PRC | Maintain Monthly Index Zone Prices |
/PRA/FP_INDX_TOL | Maintain Indian Indx Prc Tolerances |
/PRA/FP_INT_RT | Maintain Interest Rates |
/PRA/FP_LEASE | Maintain Lease |
/PRA/FP_MANUAL_2014 | Manual 2014 Workplace |
/PRA/FP_MASTER | Maintain Master |
/PRA/FP_MIGRATION | ONRR-2014 Migration Workbench |
/PRA/FP_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/FP_OOS_WO2 | Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/FP_OOS_WO_RPT | Display Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/FP_OOS_WO_RPT2 | Display Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/FP_OWN_GRP | Maintain Owner Groups |
/PRA/FP_PDCXRF | Display PRA/ONRR Product Code XRef |
/PRA/FP_PORTAL | ONRR-2014 2.0 Portal |
/PRA/FP_PRC_LMT | Price Limit for Product Code |
/PRA/FP_PRDTA | Display PRA Details |
/PRA/FP_PRDTE | Display PRA Detail Rejects |
/PRA/FP_QUEUE_MON | ONRR Queue Monitor |
/PRA/FP_RECON_RPT | ONRR 2014 Recon Report |
/PRA/FP_RNT_CRD | Maintain Advance Rental Credits |
/PRA/FP_RPDT | Display Report Details |
/PRA/FP_RPDTE | Display Report Detail Rejects |
/PRA/FP_S6RTOVR | Maintain Section 6 rate override |
/PRA/FP_SBGRFCMON | ONRR-2014 Queue Monitor |
/PRA/FP_SOL | Maintain Statute of Limitations |
/PRA/FP_SOLE | Maintain SOL Exceptions |
/PRA/FP_SRC | Maintain Suspense Reason Codes |
/PRA/FP_TRAN_PRO | Transportation Processing |
/PRA/FP_UPDATE_PRICE | Upload Monthly Index Zone Prices |
/PRA/FP_UPD_EST | Upload Initial Estimates |
/PRA/FP_UPD_HST_CMP | Load History Compare |
/PRA/FP_UPD_INT_EST | Upload Initial Interest Estimates |
/PRA/FP_UPD_RPDT_HST | Report Detail History Maintenance |
/PRA/FP_UPL_LSE_AGR | Upload Lease and Agreement X-refs |
/PRA/FP_UPL_RECOUP | Upload Initial Recoupments |
/PRA/FP_VAR_RPT_MO | ONRR-2014 Variance by Report Month |
/PRA/FP_VAR_SAL_MO | ONRR-2014 Variance by Sales Month |
/PRA/FP_WORKPLACE | ONRR-2014 Workplace |
/PRA/FT_OWNER_BAL | Owner Balance Enquiry |
/PRA/GT_ASU | Maintain Auto Suspension Master |
/PRA/GT_ASUE | Maintain ASU Exception Master |
/PRA/GT_DISP_OOSWO | List Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/GT_DISP_RPTVAR | Tax Variance Report |
/PRA/GT_DISP_TAXHST | Up-to-Date Reported Transactions |
/PRA/GT_DISP_TAXTXN | Display Tax Transaction |
/PRA/GT_ENTITY | Maintain Agency Entity Master |
/PRA/GT_MASTER | Maintain Master Data |
/PRA/GT_MIG_TAXHST | Tax 2.0 Gen - History Migration |
/PRA/GT_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance |
/PRA/GT_SOL | Maintain SOL Master |
/PRA/GT_SOLE | Maintain SOL Exception Master |
/PRA/GT_TAXID | Maintain Other Party TaxID Xref |
/PRA/GT_UPD_TAXHST | Update Generic Tax History |
/PRA/GT_UPD_TAXTXN | User Tax Transactions |
/PRA/JEPURGE_OFF | JE Offset Purge for Fedl/Indian OPSL |
/PRA/KS_ASU | Maintain Auto-Suspension Data |
/PRA/KS_ASU1 | Kansas Auto Suspend |
/PRA/KS_ASUE | Maintain Auto-Suspension Exception |
/PRA/KS_LEASE | Maintain Kansas Lease Data |
/PRA/KS_LEASE_UP_DWN | Tax 2.0 : Kansas Lease Up/Dwn |
/PRA/KS_MASTER | Maintain Kansas Master Data |
/PRA/KS_MASTER_UPDWN | Tax 2.0 : Kansas Master Up/Dwn |
/PRA/KS_MIGRATION | Kansas Tax Migration Workbench |
/PRA/KS_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance |
/PRA/KS_SOL | Maintain Statute-of-Limitations Data |
/PRA/KS_SOLE | Maintain SOL Exceptions |
/PRA/KS_SOLE1 | Kansas Statute of limitation excepti |
/PRA/KS_TAXHST | Up-to-Date Reported Transactions |
/PRA/KS_TAXHT_UPDATE | Update Kansas Tax History |
/PRA/KS_TAXRT | Tax 2.0 : Kansas Tax Rate Maintenanc |
/PRA/KS_TAXTXN | KansasTax Transactions Display |
/PRA/KS_TAXTXN_UPLD | Tax 2.0 Kansas Tax trans Upload |
/PRA/KS_TXCL_XFR | Tax Class Xref |
/PRA/LOCK_MAINT | PRA RAD Post Block Maintenance |
/PRA/LS_QUEUE_MON | Legal Suspense Queue Monitor |
/PRA/LS_RECON_RPT | Payment Processing Recon Report |
/PRA/MASS_MIG_VL_DOC | Mass Migration of VL Documents |
/PRA/MASS_PDX | Transaction code for Mass PDX upload |
/PRA/MIGRATION | Process 2.0 - Migration Workbench |
/PRA/MIG_ACCT | Mig Company and accounts |
/PRA/MIG_AR | AR Migration Input |
/PRA/MIG_BA | BA Migration |
/PRA/MIG_BADI_RAD | Populate New Fields in RAD |
/PRA/MIG_CFG | Migration configuration |
/PRA/MIG_CHECK_INPUT | Mig Check Input |
/PRA/MIG_ESCH_CC | Escheat - Migration of Company data |
/PRA/MIG_FP_BT | Migrate ONRR Batches to RAD |
/PRA/MIG_JE_RAD | JE Migration Input |
/PRA/MIG_JE_RAD_STS | JE to RAD migration status |
/PRA/MIG_JE_TO_RAD | Journal Entry to Revenue Accounting |
/PRA/MIG_PP_LS_FP | Migrate check je to rad |
/PRA/MIG_PP_SPT_FDWH | Migrate Fed WH Owner Interest Type |
/PRA/MIG_R3_PRDT | Royalty 2.0 - TX GLO PRDT Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R3_ROYHST | Royalty 2.0 - TX GLO Hist Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R3_ROYSTG | Royalty 2.0 - TX GLO STG Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R3_ROYTXN | Royalty 2.0 - TX GLO TXN Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R6_PRDT | Royalty 2.0 - WY PRDT Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R6_ROYHST | Royalty 2.0 - WY History Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R6_ROYSTG | Royalty 2.0 - WY STG Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R6_ROYTXN | Royalty 2.0 - WY TXN Migration |
/PRA/MIG_RD | Revenue Distribution document migrat |
/PRA/MIG_RECON_JERAD | JE to RAD Document Level Recon Rpt |
/PRA/MIG_TP | TP Migration Input |
/PRA/ND_ASU | North Dakota Auto Suspend Data |
/PRA/ND_ASUE | Maintain Auto-Suspend Exception |
/PRA/ND_CUSTAXID | Tax 2.0 Customer Taxpayer Id |
/PRA/ND_DISP_OOSWO | Tax 2.0 North Dakota Out Of Statute |
/PRA/ND_DISP_VAR | Tax 2.0 : ND Tax Variance Report |
/PRA/ND_MASTER | North Dakota Master data |
/PRA/ND_MASTER_UPDWN | Tax 2.0 ND MAster Upload & Download |
/PRA/ND_MIGRATION | ND Tax Migration Workbench |
/PRA/ND_OOS_WRITE_OF | Tax 2.0 ND Out Of Statute Write Off |
/PRA/ND_SOL | Maintain Statute-of-Limitations Data |
/PRA/ND_SOLE | Tax 2.0 ND SOLE |
/PRA/ND_TAXHST | Tax 2.0 ND Up-To-Date Rp Transaction |
/PRA/ND_TAXHT_UPDATE | Update North Dakota Tax History |
/PRA/ND_TAXRT | ND Tax Rate |
/PRA/ND_TAXTXN_DISPL | Tax 2.0 North Dakota Tax Transaction |
/PRA/ND_VEN_POOL_XRF | Tax 2.0 : ND venture pool code xref |
/PRA/NIMB_MASSUPLOAD | Mass Upload NIMB Records |
/PRA/NIMB_WORKPLACE | Network Imbalance Workplace |
/PRA/OFS | Owner Fact Sheet |
/PRA/OM_DOCUMENT | Marketing Free Maintenance |
/PRA/OM_EXECUTE | Marketing Free Maint. execute |
/PRA/OUTBOUND_CDEX | Outbound CDEX Processing |
/PRA/PN_DEFINE_TAG | Define PPN Tags |
/PRA/PN_DNL_PCTL | DN Launcher Process Control Settings |
/PRA/PN_DNL_QCTL | DN Launcher Queue Control Settings |
/PRA/PN_MANUAL | Manual PPN Event Creation |
/PRA/PN_WORKPLACE | DN Workplace |
/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_C | Contractual Allocation PPN Workplace |
/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_M | Migration PPN Workplace |
/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_P | Production PPN Workplace |
/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_V | Valuation PPN Workplace |
/PRA/PP_ADMIN_WP | Payment Processing Admin Workplace |
/PRA/PP_ANALYSIS | Payment Posting Analysis Report |
/PRA/PP_BANK_TAPE | Bank tape output file Creation |
/PRA/PP_CHECK_CLEAR | Check clear using the Bank sent File |
/PRA/PP_DISB_DEC | Disbursement Decimal - Check Detail |
/PRA/PP_DISP_CHK_DTL | Check Detail Inquiry |
/PRA/PP_DISP_CHK_HDR | Check Inquiry |
/PRA/PP_DISP_OWN_BAL | Owner Balance Inquiry |
/PRA/PP_MIN_PAY | Maintain Minimum Pay (Regions) |
/PRA/PP_MKT_OVR | Maintain Marketing Type Override |
/PRA/PP_NRC_VD | Maintain Recoupment Groups |
/PRA/PP_OUTPUT_FILE | Output file creation |
/PRA/PP_OUT_FILE | Output File Creation: DMEE |
/PRA/PP_PORTAL | Payment Processing 2.0 Portal |
/PRA/PP_QUEUE_MON | Payment Processing Queue Monitor |
/PRA/PP_RECON_RPT | Payment Processing Recon Report |
/PRA/PP_REFUND_WH_TX | Refund Withholding Tax |
/PRA/PP_RUN_ANALYSIS | Trial Check Run Analysis |
/PRA/PP_SBGRFCMON | Payment Processing Queue Monitor |
/PRA/PP_TAX_OVR | Maintain Tax Type Override |
/PRA/PP_VAR_SET | Maintain Variance Parameter Sets |
/PRA/PP_WH_RT | Maintain Withholding Rates |
/PRA/PP_WORKPLACE | Payment Processing Workplace |
/PRA/PRA_FI_BALANCE | PRA and FI balance transaction |
/PRA/PROC_SEL | Maintain Process Selection |
/PRA/QUEUE_MON | Payment Processing Queue Monitor |
/PRA/R3_DISP_BAL_RPT | Texas GLO/TAMU Balancing Report |
/PRA/R3_DISP_OOSWO | List of TX Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/R3_DISP_ROYHST | Display TX GLO/TAMU Royalty Trans |
/PRA/R3_DISP_ROYTXN | Display TX GLO/TAMU Royalty Trans |
/PRA/R3_MASTER | Royalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU Master Dat |
/PRA/R3_OWNOVR | Maintain TX GLO/TAMU Own Lvl Rpt Ovr |
/PRA/R3_OWNXRF | Royalty 2.0 - Texas GLO/TAMU - BA XR |
/PRA/R3_PAY_RECON | Texas GLO/TAMU Payables Recon |
/PRA/R3_RRC | Royalty 2.0 - Texas GLO/TAMU RRC Mas |
/PRA/R3_UPD_OOS_WO | Texas Out Of Statute Write Offs |
/PRA/R3_UPD_ROYHST | Update TX GLO/TAMU Royalty History |
/PRA/R3_UPD_ROYTXN | Maintain Texas GLO User Roy Trans |
/PRA/R6_DISP_BAL_RPT | Wyoming Royalty Balancing Report |
/PRA/R6_DISP_OOSWO | List of WY Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/R6_DISP_ROYHST | Up-to-Date Reported Wyoming Trans |
/PRA/R6_DISP_ROYTXN | Display Wyoming Royalty Transactions |
/PRA/R6_MASTER | Royalty 2.0 - Wyoming Master |
/PRA/R6_PAY_RECON | Wyoming Royalty Payables Recon |
/PRA/R6_UPD_OOS_WO | Wyoming Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/R6_UPD_ROYHST | Update Wyoming Royalty History |
/PRA/R6_UPD_ROYTXN | Maintain Wyoming User Roy Trans |
/PRA/RAD_REC_EXCEP | RAD Recon Exception Report |
/PRA/RD_CRUN_COMPARE | combined run compare |
/PRA/RD_RPT_BG | RD Bearer Group Report |
/PRA/RD_RPT_COT | RD Chain-of-Title Report |
/PRA/RD_RPT_DEF | RD DeferredAmts & Differences Report |
/PRA/RKS_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 KS Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RKS_P2_OOS_WO | Process 2.0 KS Out-Of_Statue WO Main |
/PRA/RND_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 ND Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RND_P2_OOS_WO | ND Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/RP_DISP_PROF | Display Reporting Profile |
/PRA/RP_PORTAL | Tax & Royalty Reporting Portal |
/PRA/RP_PROF | Maintain Report Profiles |
/PRA/RP_ROYOWN | Royalty 2.0 - BA & Rpt ID XReference |
/PRA/RP_WORKPLACE | Tax & Royalty Reporting Workplace |
/PRA/RSP | Transaction for Responsibility Area |
/PRA/RSPFH | Func. Area - Hier. ID XREF |
/PRA/RSPHR | Transaction for Hierarchy Maint. |
/PRA/RSPLP | Responsibility Area List Processing |
/PRA/RSPUG | Transaction for User Group Maintence |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_ATT | Mass Upload Attribute Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_ATT2 | Mass Upload Attribute Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_DN | Mass Upload DN Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_HIER | Mass Upload Hierarchy Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_LEASE | Mass Upload Lease Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_MP | Mass Upload MP Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_TP | Mass Upload TP Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_USER | Mass Upload User Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_VDMP | Mass Upload VDMP Structure |
/PRA/RT3_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 TX Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RT5_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 OK Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RT6_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 WY Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RT8_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 NM Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RT9_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 LA Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RTA_P2_IOOSWO | Process 2.0 CO (21PD) Write-Off |
/PRA/RTA_P2_IOOS_WO | CO (21PD) Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/RTA_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 CO Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RTA_P2_OOS_WO | CO Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/R_PN_JE_DTL_RPT | Valuation Document JE Detail Report |
/PRA/R_PN_VL_POST_ST | VL Posting Statistics |
/PRA/R_PN_VOL_PPN | Volumetric Prior Period Notification |
/PRA/R_VL_SD_MIGRATE | SD Migration |
/PRA/R_VL_SD_STITCH | SD Date Continuity Merge Utility |
/PRA/R_WH_REP_TH | Maintain Min Threshold for Reporting |
/PRA/SS0 | Settlement Statement |
/PRA/T3_OOS_WO | Process 2.0 Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/T3_TAXID | Process 2.0 Texas Tax Id Xref |
/PRA/T515_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance |
/PRA/T5_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance |
/PRA/T5_TAXID | Process 2.0 OK Tax Id Xref |
/PRA/T6_OPID | Process 2.0 WY Tax Id Xref |
/PRA/T6_WYC_OOS_WO | WY Consv Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/T6_WYS_OOS_WO | WY Sev Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/T7_MIG_4X11HST | WYGP 2.0 - Migrate 4x11hst t-code |
/PRA/T8_OOS_WO | New Mexico Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/T9_ASU | Maintain Louisiana Auto-Suspend |
/PRA/T9_ASUE | Maintain LA Auto-Suspend Exception |
/PRA/T9_DIS_OGP_COMP | OGP Compare Report |
/PRA/T9_DIS_OOSWO | Display LA Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/T9_DIS_RPGDTE | Display Louisiana Gas Report Details |
/PRA/T9_DIS_RPODTD | Display Louisiana Oil Report Details |
/PRA/T9_DIS_RPT_VAR | Louisiana Tax Variance Report |
/PRA/T9_DIS_TAXHST | Display LA Up-to-Date Reported Trans |
/PRA/T9_DIS_TAXTXN | Louisiana Tax Transactions |
/PRA/T9_ISMASTER | Maintain Incentive Master |
/PRA/T9_LEASE | Maintain Louisiana Lease |
/PRA/T9_MASTER | Maintain Louisiana Master |
/PRA/T9_MIGRATION | Tax 2.0 LA - Migration Workbench |
/PRA/T9_OOSWO | LA Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maint |
/PRA/T9_P2_OOSWO | LA Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maint |
/PRA/T9_PTCXRF | Edit LA Producer / Transporter XRef |
/PRA/T9_SOL | Maintain LA Statute-of-Limitation |
/PRA/T9_SOLE | Maintain Louisiana SOL Exception |
/PRA/T9_UPD_TAXHST | Louisiana Tax History Transactions |
/PRA/T9_UPD_TAXTXN | Louisiana User Tax Transactions |
/PRA/TAO | Tax Allocation Override |
/PRA/TA_ASU | Maintain Colorado Auto-Suspend |
/PRA/TA_ASUE | Maintain CO Auto-Suspend Exception |
/PRA/TA_DIS_IOOSWO | Show 21PD Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/TA_DIS_ITAXHST | Display CO Up-to-Date Reported Trans |
/PRA/TA_DIS_ITAXTXN | Colorado Tax Transactions |
/PRA/TA_DIS_OOSWO | Display CO Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/TA_DIS_RPT_VAR | Colorado Tax Variance Report |
/PRA/TA_DIS_TAXTXN | Colorado Tax Transactions |
/PRA/TA_IASU | Maintain CO 21PD Auto-Suspend |
/PRA/TA_IASUE | Maintain CO 21PD Auto-Susp Exception |
/PRA/TA_IMIGRATION | Tax 2.0 CO Sev - Migration Workbench |
/PRA/TA_IOOSWO | CO 21PD Out-of-Statute W/O Maint |
/PRA/TA_ISOL | Maintain CO 21PD Statute-of-Limit. |
/PRA/TA_ISOLE | Maintain CO 21PD Statute-of-Limit Ex |
/PRA/TA_LEVY | Maintain Colorado Levy Rate |
/PRA/TA_MIGRATION | Tax 2.0 CO - Migration Workbench |
/PRA/TA_OOSWO | CO Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maint |
/PRA/TA_OPERXREF | Maintain CO Oper. to OGCC Payor Xref |
/PRA/TA_SOL | Maintain CO Statute-of-Limitation |
/PRA/TA_SOLE | Maintain Colorado SOL Exception |
/PRA/TA_UPD_ITAXHST | CO 21PD Tax History Transactions |
/PRA/TA_UPD_ITAXTXN | Colorado 21PD User Tax Transactions |
/PRA/TA_UPD_TAXHST | Colorado Tax History Transactions |
/PRA/TEMP_DIS_SHC | Display Special Handling Codes |
/PRA/TEMP_PP_OWN | Maintain Owner Info |
/PRA/TP_CNTRL_RPT | TP Control Report |
/PRA/TP_SUMMRY | Taxes Payable Summary |
/PRA/TP_WO_SETUP | Taxes Payable Write Off Setup |
/PRA/VL_DA_LOG | Dual Accounting Audit log |
/PRA/VL_FRML_CALC | Formula Calculation |
/PRA/VL_SD_TEMPLATE | Settlement Diversity Template Mgr |
/PRA/VL_SD_WORKPL_M | Migration SD Workplace |
/PRA/WH_ADMIN | Annual Reporting Admin Workplace |
/PRA/WH_BL_ENQ | Withholding Inquiry |
/PRA/WH_EN_TYP_REP | Maintain Reportable Entity Types |
/PRA/WH_MANUAL_DATA | Manual Data Entry |
/PRA/WH_OWN_GRP | Owner Group |
/PRA/WH_PORTAL | Annual Reporting Portal |
/PRA/WH_PROC_SEL | Annual Reporting Process Selection |
/PRA/WH_RECON_RPT | Reconciliation Report |
/PRA/WH_SBGRFCMON | Reporting Processing Queue Monitor |
/PRA/WH_STR_WELL | Stripper Well Inquiry |
/PRA/WH_WORKPLACE | Annual Reporting Workplace |
/PRA/WORKPLACE | Process 2.1 Workplace |