JVA TCode Finder
Easily find JVA Tcodes in seconds
Transaction Code | Transaction text |
GJ01 | Net Cash Call to Equity Group |
GJ02 | JV Gross Cash Call To Equit Group |
GJ03 | JV Net Cash Call To Project |
GJ04 | JV Gross Cash Call To Project |
GJ05 | JV Non-operated cash call to eq grp |
GJ06 | JV Non-Operated Cash Call to Project |
GJ09 | Joint Venture detailed information |
GJ0A | Non-Operated Billing by Operator V.2 |
GJ0B | Non-Operated Billing by Venture V.2 |
GJ10 | Yearly balance shifting |
GJ11 | Joint Venture master data catalog |
GJ12 | Billing Ledger Extract |
GJ13 | Joint Venture Ledger Extract |
GJ14 | Hard Copy Billing |
GJ15 | Billing Schedule Manager |
GJ16 | EDI Billing |
GJ17 | Suspense Project / Equity Group |
GJ18 | Partner Suspense Clearing |
GJ19 | Equity Adjustments |
GJ20 | Venture Bank Account Switching |
GJ21 | Recovery indicator |
GJ22 | Internal recovery indicator |
GJ23 | Change JV partners |
GJ24 | Venture classes |
GJ25 | Cutback rules / accounts |
GJ26 | Cutback rules / accounts |
GJ27 | Cutback rules / cost centers |
GJ28 | Cutback rules / cost centers |
GJ29 | Cutback rules / projects |
GJ2A | Display JV partners |
GJ2B | Maintain JV partners |
GJ30 | Cutback / project intercompany code |
GJ31 | Cutback tables / orders |
GJ32 | Cutback rules / orders |
GJ33 | Equity types |
GJ34 | JV project in suspense |
GJ35 | Bank accounts |
GJ36 | Funding groups |
GJ37 | Funding group assignment |
GJ39 | JV Billing indicator |
GJ3A | Display JV project in suspense |
GJ3B | Cutback rules / intercompany assets |
GJ3C | Cutback rule: Networks |
GJ3D | Cutback - Intercompany networks |
GJ3R | Reconsile Intercompany Mapping |
GJ40 | Accounts for supplemental billing |
GJ41 | JV Projects for supplemental billing |
GJ42 | JV Material Batch-Cond code x-ref |
GJ44 | Net profit interest groups |
GJ45 | JVA functions / function item types |
GJ47 | Billing methods |
GJ49 | Billing method posting rules |
GJ4A | Periodic updates for company code |
GJ4A_MCC | Periodic updates for company code |
GJ50 | JV Posting rule detail customizing |
GJ51 | Bank accounts for cash call print |
GJ52 | Non-operated billing forms |
GJ53 | Non-operated billing form lines |
GJ54 | JOA detailed information |
GJ55 | JV valuation area |
GJ56 | Accounts for exchange differences |
GJ57 | JIB/JIBE classes |
GJ58 | JIB/JIBE subclasses |
GJ59 | JV Conditional code |
GJ60 | EDI Outbound Base Configuration |
GJ61 | JV Clearing billing indicator |
GJ62 | JV Bi.Meth./CompCd. assignment |
GJ63 | JV Project types |
GJ64 | JV Cost center types |
GJ65 | JV Order types |
GJ66 | JIB master data |
GJ67 | JIB account mapping |
GJ68 | JIB class/account mapping |
GJ69 | JIB class/subclass/account mapping |
GJ70 | JOA-maintenance |
GJ72 | JOA classes |
GJ73 | Special cost elements |
GJ74 | Stepped rate rules |
GJ75 | JV stepped rate thresholds |
GJ76 | Partner process groups |
GJ77 | Drilling statistical ratios |
GJ78 | Producing statistical ratios |
GJ80 | JIB account mapping for AFE |
GJ81 | JV Billing structure |
GJ82 | Create BTCI Sessions for Cash Calls |
GJ83 | JV Automatic posting |
GJ84 | JVA NPI/CI Netting (without CI Grp) |
GJ85 | JV Automated Postings (Cost Calcs) |
GJ86 | Customize report selection |
GJ87 | Display summary ledger totals |
GJ88 | Display billing ledger totals |
GJ89 | Automatic Adjust of Overhead Rates |
GJ90 | JV Realized exchange differences |
GJ91 | JV Unrealized exchange |
GJ92 | JV Goods receipt expense orders |
GJ93 | JV Goods receipt inventory orders |
GJ94 | International Cost Calculations |
GJ95 | North American Overhead Calculations |
GJ96 | Payroll Burden Clearing |
GJ97 | Compare FI with JV document |
GJ97N | JV Document Comparison |
GJ98 | North America Overhead Detail Report |
GJ99 | EDI mapping |
GJA1 | Create joint operating agreement |
GJA2 | Change joint operating agreement |
GJA3 | Display joint operating agreement |
GJA4 | JOA master data catalog |
GJA5 | Display changes for Joint Op. Agreem |
GJA7 | |
GJA8 | JV JOA screen |
GJAA | JOA Master Transaction |
GJAC | Activate JVA in a Client |
GJB1 | BI for supplemental detail |
GJB2 | Account for supplemental detail |
GJB3 | Project type for supplemental detail |
GJB4 | Cost center type for suppl. detail |
GJB5 | Order type for supplemental detail |
GJB6 | SDS protocol |
GJBA | Balance sheet accounts for splitting |
GJBM | GJ BAPI parameter mapping |
GJBR | Billing reconciliation |
GJBS | Assign substitution to JV company |
GJBT | Billing threshold check |
GJBV | Assign Validation to JV Company |
GJC1 | Activate company in JV |
GJC2 | Deactivate company in JV |
GJCA | Housebank switching |
GJCB | JV Cutback Program |
GJCB_REV | Cutback Reversal |
GJCC | Copy configuration from company code |
GJCG | Carried interest groups |
GJCM | Change message control for JVA |
GJCN | Convenience netting |
GJCS | JV settlement manipulation rules |
GJCU | Cutback Ledger Update |
GJCUST | JV Customizing |
GJDA | Delete JOA |
GJDC | Dunning |
GJDE | Delete Joint Venture Data |
GJE0 | EDI invoice service codes |
GJE2 | JV Customize EDI Suppl Seg Drivers |
GJE3 | JV Customize EDI Segment Components |
GJE4 | EDI JIBE condition codes |
GJE5 | JV EDI Communications Code |
GJE6 | JV EDI Bill Ind to Svc Code mapping |
GJE7 | JV EDI Outbound: Company Config. |
GJE8 | JV EDI Terms of Payment |
GJE9 | JV EDI Contact Function Codes |
GJEA | EDI inbound: company configuration |
GJEB | JV EDI Outbound: Control Processed |
GJEC | Pre-Cutback Equity_Change Management |
GJED | JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE No |
GJEE | JV EDI Inbound: Property Table |
GJEF | EDI inbound: withhold code |
GJEG | EDI inbound: mapping qualifier |
GJEH | JV EDI Inbound: Cost Object Mapping |
GJEI | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref |
GJEJ | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class |
GJEK | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class+Sub |
GJEL | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class |
GJEM | JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class+Sub |
GJEN | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE |
GJEO | EDI inbound: 819 account mapping |
GJEP | EDI inbound: 819 acc class mapping |
GJEQ | EDI inbound: 819 acc class+sub |
GJER | JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Mapping |
GJES | JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Service Code |
GJET | EDI inbound: 810 account mapping |
GJEV | Process history |
GJEW | EDI inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC no |
GJEX | JV mapping: Material - Service code |
GJEY | JIB/JIBE Tubular Sub-Accounts |
GJEZ | JIB/JIBE Non-Tubular Sub-Accounts |
GJF1 | Create JV assessment cycle - actual |
GJF2 | Change JV assessment cycle - actual |
GJF3 | Display JV assessment cycle - actual |
GJF4 | Delete JV assessment cycle - actual |
GJF5 | Execute JV assessment - actual |
GJF6 | Overview JV assessment |
GJF7 | Create JV assessment cycle - plan |
GJF8 | Change JV assessment cycle - plan |
GJF9 | Display JV assessment cycle - plan |
GJFA | Print Allocation Information |
GJFARM_0 | view maintenance FARM |
GJFARM_1 | Farm in/out: JVTO1 and Cutback |
GJFARM_2 | Farm in/out: JVTO1 and Cutback |
GJFARM_3 | FarmIn/Out Cash Call redetermination |
GJFARM_4 | FarmIn/Out Cash Call correction |
GJFB | Execute JV assessment - plan |
GJG1 | Create JV distribution cycle -actual |
GJG2 | Change JV distribution cycle -actual |
GJG3 | Display JV distribution cycle-actual |
GJG4 | Delete JV distribution cycle -actual |
GJG5 | Execute JV distribution - actual |
GJG6 | Overview distribution - actual |
GJG7 | Create JV distribution cycle -plan |
GJG8 | Change JV distribution cycle - plan |
GJG9 | Display JV distribution cycle-plan |
GJGA | Display JOA graphically |
GJGB | Document Entry for Local Ledgers |
GJGL | General Ledger Integration |
GJGO | Driver transaction for customizing |
GJGP | Document Entry for Local Ledgers |
GJGR | Graphical Navigation JVA |
GJIS | Install JV standard reports |
GJJ1 | Generate JADE audit file |
GJJ2 | Billing extracts |
GJJ3 | JADE file description |
GJJA | JV Load Balancing |
GJJE | Joint venture event maintenance |
GJL2 | C JVA Change Ledger |
GJL3 | C JVA Display Ledger |
GJL7 | Plan Data Transfer by Documents |
GJL8 | Company code (global data) |
GJLB | Load Balancing Distribution |
GJLI | Summary ledger line items |
GJLI2 | Billing ledger line items |
GJLV | Line item report list variants |
GJM1 | Mark Prepaid Inventory |
GJM2 | Display Prepaid Inventory |
GJNO | Non open item unreal. exchange diff. |
GJNR | JV Number range customizing |
GJOH | |
GJOI | Open line items for cost objects |
GJP1 | JVA NPI/CI Netting (with CI Grp) |
GJPA | Partner regional addresses |
GJPB | Pivot Browser: JV line items |
GJPC | Penalty categories |
GJPD | Determine CRP pricing procedure |
GJPE | Display Documents for re-posting |
GJPN | Partner Netting |
GJPTS | Payment term schema |
GJQ0 | CRP Customising Menu |
GJQ1 | Conditions: Procedure for A CR |
GJQ2 | Condition Types: SD Pricing |
GJQ3 | Maintain Access (Sales Price) |
GJQ4 | V-T681F: Index Field Catalog |
GJQ5 | Create Conditions (CRP) |
GJQ6 | Change Conditions (CRP) |
GJQ7 | Display Conditions (CRP) |
GJQ8 | Create Conditions (Purchasing) |
GJQ9 | Maintain Recover Ind determination |
GJQA | Change Condition Table (CRP) |
GJQB | Change Condition Table (CRP) |
GJR1 | Summary Ledger Reporting |
GJR2 | Billing Ledger Reporting |
GJR3 | JV EDI Inbound: IDOC Status Report |
GJR4 | EDI: Invoice and Operating Statement |
GJR5 | JV EDI Inbound: Unusual Expenditure |
GJR6 | JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Projects |
GJR7 | JV EDI Inbnd: Expenditure Comparison |
GJR8 | 810/819 Mapping Report |
GJR9 | 810/819 Property Error |
GJRC | Cash Call Reclass |
GJRCN | Cash Call Reclassification |
GJRD | JV Recovery indicator determination |
GJRG_5J1A | Gross bill./all by venture/account |
GJRG_5J1B | Gross billable / all by cost object |
GJRG_5J1C | Gross bill/partner net by cost obj. |
GJRG_5J1D | Gross bill./all by cost obj. F.Curr |
GJRG_5J1E | Gross billable/partner net for JIB |
GJRG_5J1F | Remaining cutback by cost object |
GJRG_5J1G | Posted suspense overview |
GJRG_5J1H | Gross non-operated by cost object |
GJRG_5J2A | Venture/EG/Billing indicator |
GJRG_5J2B | Partner/Billing indicator |
GJRG_5JCA | Cost centers: overview actuals |
GJRG_5JCB | Internal orders: overview actuals |
GJRG_5JCC | WBS elements: overview actuals |
GJRG_5JCD | Cost centers: actual/plan gross/net |
GJRG_5JCE | Int. orders: actual/plan gross/net |
GJRG_5JCF | WBS elements: actual/plan gross/net |
GJRS | Configure report selection |
GJRT | Overhead burden rate type |
GJRX | Bericht auswählen |
GJS1 | Create account set |
GJS2 | Change account set |
GJS3 | Display account set |
GJSX | Call set maintenance |
GJT0 | Reverse AM/MM Transfer document |
GJT1 | JV Transfer Asset to Asset |
GJT1_OLD | JV Transfer Asset to Project/Order |
GJT2 | JV Transfer Asset to Asset |
GJT2_OLD | JV Transfer Asset to Asset |
GJT3 | JV Transfer Asset to Asset |
GJT3_OLD | Retirement of Venture Owned Assets |
GJT4 | JV Transfer Asset to Asset |
GJT4_OLD | Sale of Venture owned assets |
GJT5 | JV Transfer Asset to Asset |
GJT5_OLD | Transfer Proj./Order to Proj./Order |
GJT6 | JV Transfer Asset to Asset |
GJT6_OLD | Transfer Project/Order to Asset |
GJTA | Depreciation area update by RI |
GJTB | Transaction Type Subst. for Cutback |
GJTD | Transaction types per line |
GJTE | Equity change asset transact. types |
GJTF | Fields to be copied to new assets |
GJTG | Maintain TransTypeGroup JV Prop. |
GJTR | C FI Month End Advance Tax Return |
GJTX | Maintain Field Transfers rules for |
GJU1 | Customizing groups |
GJU2 | Customizing group definition |
GJU3 | Processes for authorization |
GJV0 | |
GJV1 | Create Joint Venture Master |
GJV2 | Change Joint Venture Master |
GJV3 | Display Joint Venture Master |
GJV4 | Joint Venture Customizing Menu |
GJV5 | Display Change Documents JV-Master |
GJV6 | |
GJV7 | |
GJVA | Advance Tax Report |
GJVB | JV Billing formats |
GJVC | IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting con |
GJVD | Joint Venture Deletion |
GJVE | List Venture / Equity Groups |
GJVF | Bank Acct Switch - Maintain Data |
GJVG | Bank Acct Switch - Create Data |
GJVL | JV layout sets |
GJVP | IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting pro |
GJVS | JV Supplemental detail |
GJVV | Joint Venture Master Transaction |
GJW1 | Create JV-Pricing archive |
GJW2 | Delete archived JV-Pricing Data |
GJW3 | JV-Pricing Archive-Administration |
GJX1 | Conditions: Procedure for A CR |
GJX2 | Condition Types: SD Pricing |
GJX3 | Maintain Access (Sales Price) |
GJX4 | V-T681F: Index Field Catalog |
GJX5 | Maintenance text for table T8J156S |
GJX6 | Maintenance text for table T8J156X |
GJXC | JV cross company reconciliation |
GJY01 | Create JV bank account archive |
GJY02 | Delete archived JV bank account data |
GJY03 | Reload JV bank account data |
GJY04 | JV bank archive administration |
GJY1 | Create JV-Cutback archive |
GJY11 | Create JVA event |
GJY12 | Delete archived JV event data |
GJY13 | Reload archived JVA event data |
GJY14 | JVA event archive administration |
GJY2 | Delete archived JV-Cutback Data |
GJY3 | Reload JV-Cutback Archives |
GJY4 | JV-Cutback Archive-Administration |
GJY5 | Reporting on JVA-Archives |
GJY6 | RW/RP Reports for JVA-Archives |
GJZ1 | Create JV-Billing archive |
GJZ2 | Delete archived JV-Billing Data |
GJZ3 | Reload JV-Billing Archives |
GJZ4 | JV-Billing Archive-Administration |
GJZ5 | Reporting on Billing-Archives |
GJZ6 | RW/RP Reports for Billing-Archives |
GJZA | Company code (global data) |
GJZC | Company code (corporate information) |
GJZD | Company code (detailed data) |
GJ_GD13 | Display JVA and JV-Billing totals |
GJ_GD20 | JVA and JV-Billing items |
GJ_SUS_CC | JV cost centers in suspense |
GJ_SUS_CC_DISP | Display JV cost centers in suspense |
GJ_SUS_ORD | JV orders in suspense |
GJ_SUS_ORD_DISP | Display JV orders in suspense |
GJ_SUS_VE | Ventures in suspense |
GJ_SUS_VE_DISP | Display Ventures in suspense |