JVA TCode Finder

Easily find JVA Tcodes in seconds

Transaction CodeTransaction text
GJ01Net Cash Call to Equity Group
GJ02JV Gross Cash Call To Equit Group
GJ03JV Net Cash Call To Project
GJ04JV Gross Cash Call To Project
GJ05JV Non-operated cash call to eq grp
GJ06JV Non-Operated Cash Call to Project
GJ09Joint Venture detailed information
GJ0ANon-Operated Billing by Operator V.2
GJ0BNon-Operated Billing by Venture V.2
GJ10Yearly balance shifting
GJ11Joint Venture master data catalog
GJ12Billing Ledger Extract
GJ13Joint Venture Ledger Extract
GJ14Hard Copy Billing
GJ15Billing Schedule Manager
GJ16EDI Billing
GJ17Suspense Project / Equity Group
GJ18Partner Suspense Clearing
GJ19Equity Adjustments
GJ20Venture Bank Account Switching
GJ21Recovery indicator
GJ22Internal recovery indicator
GJ23Change JV partners
GJ24Venture classes
GJ25Cutback rules / accounts
GJ26Cutback rules / accounts
GJ27Cutback rules / cost centers
GJ28Cutback rules / cost centers
GJ29Cutback rules / projects
GJ2ADisplay JV partners
GJ2BMaintain JV partners
GJ30Cutback / project intercompany code
GJ31Cutback tables / orders
GJ32Cutback rules / orders
GJ33Equity types
GJ34JV project in suspense
GJ35Bank accounts
GJ36Funding groups
GJ37Funding group assignment
GJ39JV Billing indicator
GJ3ADisplay JV project in suspense
GJ3BCutback rules / intercompany assets
GJ3CCutback rule: Networks
GJ3DCutback - Intercompany networks
GJ3RReconsile Intercompany Mapping
GJ40Accounts for supplemental billing
GJ41JV Projects for supplemental billing
GJ42JV Material Batch-Cond code x-ref
GJ44Net profit interest groups
GJ45JVA functions / function item types
GJ47Billing methods
GJ49Billing method posting rules
GJ4APeriodic updates for company code
GJ4A_MCCPeriodic updates for company code
GJ50JV Posting rule detail customizing
GJ51Bank accounts for cash call print
GJ52Non-operated billing forms
GJ53Non-operated billing form lines
GJ54JOA detailed information
GJ55JV valuation area
GJ56Accounts for exchange differences
GJ57JIB/JIBE classes
GJ58JIB/JIBE subclasses
GJ59JV Conditional code
GJ60EDI Outbound Base Configuration
GJ61JV Clearing billing indicator
GJ62JV Bi.Meth./CompCd. assignment
GJ63JV Project types
GJ64JV Cost center types
GJ65JV Order types
GJ66JIB master data
GJ67JIB account mapping
GJ68JIB class/account mapping
GJ69JIB class/subclass/account mapping
GJ72JOA classes
GJ73Special cost elements
GJ74Stepped rate rules
GJ75JV stepped rate thresholds
GJ76Partner process groups
GJ77Drilling statistical ratios
GJ78Producing statistical ratios
GJ80JIB account mapping for AFE
GJ81JV Billing structure
GJ82Create BTCI Sessions for Cash Calls
GJ83JV Automatic posting
GJ84JVA NPI/CI Netting (without CI Grp)
GJ85JV Automated Postings (Cost Calcs)
GJ86Customize report selection
GJ87Display summary ledger totals
GJ88Display billing ledger totals
GJ89Automatic Adjust of Overhead Rates
GJ90JV Realized exchange differences
GJ91JV Unrealized exchange
GJ92JV Goods receipt expense orders
GJ93JV Goods receipt inventory orders
GJ94International Cost Calculations
GJ95North American Overhead Calculations
GJ96Payroll Burden Clearing
GJ97Compare FI with JV document
GJ97NJV Document Comparison
GJ98North America Overhead Detail Report
GJ99EDI mapping
GJA1Create joint operating agreement
GJA2Change joint operating agreement
GJA3Display joint operating agreement
GJA4JOA master data catalog
GJA5Display changes for Joint Op. Agreem
GJA8JV JOA screen
GJAAJOA Master Transaction
GJACActivate JVA in a Client
GJB1BI for supplemental detail
GJB2Account for supplemental detail
GJB3Project type for supplemental detail
GJB4Cost center type for suppl. detail
GJB5Order type for supplemental detail
GJB6SDS protocol
GJBABalance sheet accounts for splitting
GJBMGJ BAPI parameter mapping
GJBRBilling reconciliation
GJBSAssign substitution to JV company
GJBTBilling threshold check
GJBVAssign Validation to JV Company
GJC1Activate company in JV
GJC2Deactivate company in JV
GJCAHousebank switching
GJCBJV Cutback Program
GJCB_REVCutback Reversal
GJCCCopy configuration from company code
GJCGCarried interest groups
GJCMChange message control for JVA
GJCNConvenience netting
GJCSJV settlement manipulation rules
GJCUCutback Ledger Update
GJCUSTJV Customizing
GJDEDelete Joint Venture Data
GJE0EDI invoice service codes
GJE2JV Customize EDI Suppl Seg Drivers
GJE3JV Customize EDI Segment Components
GJE4EDI JIBE condition codes
GJE5JV EDI Communications Code
GJE6JV EDI Bill Ind to Svc Code mapping
GJE7JV EDI Outbound: Company Config.
GJE8JV EDI Terms of Payment
GJE9JV EDI Contact Function Codes
GJEAEDI inbound: company configuration
GJEBJV EDI Outbound: Control Processed
GJECPre-Cutback Equity_Change Management
GJEDJV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE No
GJEEJV EDI Inbound: Property Table
GJEFEDI inbound: withhold code
GJEGEDI inbound: mapping qualifier
GJEHJV EDI Inbound: Cost Object Mapping
GJEIJV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref
GJEJJV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class
GJEKJV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class+Sub
GJELJV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class
GJEMJV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class+Sub
GJENJV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE
GJEOEDI inbound: 819 account mapping
GJEPEDI inbound: 819 acc class mapping
GJEQEDI inbound: 819 acc class+sub
GJERJV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Mapping
GJESJV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Service Code
GJETEDI inbound: 810 account mapping
GJEVProcess history
GJEWEDI inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC no
GJEXJV mapping: Material - Service code
GJEYJIB/JIBE Tubular Sub-Accounts
GJEZJIB/JIBE Non-Tubular Sub-Accounts
GJF1Create JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF2Change JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF3Display JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF4Delete JV assessment cycle - actual
GJF5Execute JV assessment - actual
GJF6Overview JV assessment
GJF7Create JV assessment cycle - plan
GJF8Change JV assessment cycle - plan
GJF9Display JV assessment cycle - plan
GJFAPrint Allocation Information
GJFARM_0view maintenance FARM
GJFARM_1Farm in/out: JVTO1 and Cutback
GJFARM_2Farm in/out: JVTO1 and Cutback
GJFARM_3FarmIn/Out Cash Call redetermination
GJFARM_4FarmIn/Out Cash Call correction
GJFBExecute JV assessment - plan
GJG1Create JV distribution cycle -actual
GJG2Change JV distribution cycle -actual
GJG3Display JV distribution cycle-actual
GJG4Delete JV distribution cycle -actual
GJG5Execute JV distribution - actual
GJG6Overview distribution - actual
GJG7Create JV distribution cycle -plan
GJG8Change JV distribution cycle - plan
GJG9Display JV distribution cycle-plan
GJGADisplay JOA graphically
GJGBDocument Entry for Local Ledgers
GJGLGeneral Ledger Integration
GJGODriver transaction for customizing
GJGPDocument Entry for Local Ledgers
GJGRGraphical Navigation JVA
GJISInstall JV standard reports
GJJ1Generate JADE audit file
GJJ2Billing extracts
GJJ3JADE file description
GJJAJV Load Balancing
GJJEJoint venture event maintenance
GJL2C JVA Change Ledger
GJL3C JVA Display Ledger
GJL7Plan Data Transfer by Documents
GJL8Company code (global data)
GJLBLoad Balancing Distribution
GJLISummary ledger line items
GJLI2Billing ledger line items
GJLVLine item report list variants
GJM1Mark Prepaid Inventory
GJM2Display Prepaid Inventory
GJNONon open item unreal. exchange diff.
GJNRJV Number range customizing
GJOIOpen line items for cost objects
GJP1JVA NPI/CI Netting (with CI Grp)
GJPAPartner regional addresses
GJPBPivot Browser: JV line items
GJPCPenalty categories
GJPDDetermine CRP pricing procedure
GJPEDisplay Documents for re-posting
GJPNPartner Netting
GJPTSPayment term schema
GJQ0CRP Customising Menu
GJQ1Conditions: Procedure for A CR
GJQ2Condition Types: SD Pricing
GJQ3Maintain Access (Sales Price)
GJQ4V-T681F: Index Field Catalog
GJQ5Create Conditions (CRP)
GJQ6Change Conditions (CRP)
GJQ7Display Conditions (CRP)
GJQ8Create Conditions (Purchasing)
GJQ9Maintain Recover Ind determination
GJQAChange Condition Table (CRP)
GJQBChange Condition Table (CRP)
GJR1Summary Ledger Reporting
GJR2Billing Ledger Reporting
GJR3JV EDI Inbound: IDOC Status Report
GJR4EDI: Invoice and Operating Statement
GJR5JV EDI Inbound: Unusual Expenditure
GJR6JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Projects
GJR7JV EDI Inbnd: Expenditure Comparison
GJR8810/819 Mapping Report
GJR9810/819 Property Error
GJRCCash Call Reclass
GJRCNCash Call Reclassification
GJRDJV Recovery indicator determination
GJRG_5J1AGross bill./all by venture/account
GJRG_5J1BGross billable / all by cost object
GJRG_5J1CGross bill/partner net by cost obj.
GJRG_5J1DGross bill./all by cost obj. F.Curr
GJRG_5J1EGross billable/partner net for JIB
GJRG_5J1FRemaining cutback by cost object
GJRG_5J1GPosted suspense overview
GJRG_5J1HGross non-operated by cost object
GJRG_5J2AVenture/EG/Billing indicator
GJRG_5J2BPartner/Billing indicator
GJRG_5JCACost centers: overview actuals
GJRG_5JCBInternal orders: overview actuals
GJRG_5JCCWBS elements: overview actuals
GJRG_5JCDCost centers: actual/plan gross/net
GJRG_5JCEInt. orders: actual/plan gross/net
GJRG_5JCFWBS elements: actual/plan gross/net
GJRSConfigure report selection
GJRTOverhead burden rate type
GJRXBericht auswählen
GJS1Create account set
GJS2Change account set
GJS3Display account set
GJSXCall set maintenance
GJT0Reverse AM/MM Transfer document
GJT1JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT1_OLDJV Transfer Asset to Project/Order
GJT2JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT2_OLDJV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT3JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT3_OLDRetirement of Venture Owned Assets
GJT4JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT4_OLDSale of Venture owned assets
GJT5JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT5_OLDTransfer Proj./Order to Proj./Order
GJT6JV Transfer Asset to Asset
GJT6_OLDTransfer Project/Order to Asset
GJTADepreciation area update by RI
GJTBTransaction Type Subst. for Cutback
GJTDTransaction types per line
GJTEEquity change asset transact. types
GJTFFields to be copied to new assets
GJTGMaintain TransTypeGroup JV Prop.
GJTRC FI Month End Advance Tax Return
GJTXMaintain Field Transfers rules for
GJU1Customizing groups
GJU2Customizing group definition
GJU3Processes for authorization
GJV1Create Joint Venture Master
GJV2Change Joint Venture Master
GJV3Display Joint Venture Master
GJV4Joint Venture Customizing Menu
GJV5Display Change Documents JV-Master
GJVAAdvance Tax Report
GJVBJV Billing formats
GJVCIS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting con
GJVDJoint Venture Deletion
GJVEList Venture / Equity Groups
GJVFBank Acct Switch - Maintain Data
GJVGBank Acct Switch - Create Data
GJVLJV layout sets
GJVPIS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting pro
GJVSJV Supplemental detail
GJVVJoint Venture Master Transaction
GJW1Create JV-Pricing archive
GJW2Delete archived JV-Pricing Data
GJW3JV-Pricing Archive-Administration
GJX1Conditions: Procedure for A CR
GJX2Condition Types: SD Pricing
GJX3Maintain Access (Sales Price)
GJX4V-T681F: Index Field Catalog
GJX5Maintenance text for table T8J156S
GJX6Maintenance text for table T8J156X
GJXCJV cross company reconciliation
GJY01Create JV bank account archive
GJY02Delete archived JV bank account data
GJY03Reload JV bank account data
GJY04JV bank archive administration
GJY1Create JV-Cutback archive
GJY11Create JVA event
GJY12Delete archived JV event data
GJY13Reload archived JVA event data
GJY14JVA event archive administration
GJY2Delete archived JV-Cutback Data
GJY3Reload JV-Cutback Archives
GJY4JV-Cutback Archive-Administration
GJY5Reporting on JVA-Archives
GJY6RW/RP Reports for JVA-Archives
GJZ1Create JV-Billing archive
GJZ2Delete archived JV-Billing Data
GJZ3Reload JV-Billing Archives
GJZ4JV-Billing Archive-Administration
GJZ5Reporting on Billing-Archives
GJZ6RW/RP Reports for Billing-Archives
GJZACompany code (global data)
GJZCCompany code (corporate information)
GJZDCompany code (detailed data)
GJ_GD13Display JVA and JV-Billing totals
GJ_GD20JVA and JV-Billing items
GJ_SUS_CCJV cost centers in suspense
GJ_SUS_CC_DISPDisplay JV cost centers in suspense
GJ_SUS_ORDJV orders in suspense
GJ_SUS_ORD_DISPDisplay JV orders in suspense
GJ_SUS_VEVentures in suspense
GJ_SUS_VE_DISPDisplay Ventures in suspense